rhboot / shim

UEFI shim loader
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Improving the robustness of value retention for the variable second_stage #625

Closed Jurij-Ivastsuk closed 6 months ago

Jurij-Ivastsuk commented 6 months ago

in function: shim_init(void) in function: EFI_STATUS set_second_stage (EFI_HANDLE image_handle) second_stage is set to \grubx64.efi in the further course of time: in function: efi_status = init_grub(image_handle); EFI_STATUS init_grub(EFI_HANDLE image_handle) second_stage variable - no longer has any value !!! the value \grubx64.efi has been lost see attached screen foto: IMG_5120 In order to improve the robustness of value retention for the variable second_stage we have done following changes: in /shim/include/load-options.h removed line with: extern CHAR16 second_stage; in /shim/shim.c we set new variable just after the #define OID_EKU_MODSIGN "" static CHAR16 second_stage; After making this improvement, I didn't get an error message when booting anymore.

julian-klode commented 6 months ago

It's quite obviously not the solution to make it static in shim.c, it's just going to cause wherever else it is defined with external linkage to have a different value and stuff not to work at all.

Jurij-Ivastsuk commented 6 months ago

@julian-klode Thank you very much for your review! This really isn't a solution for everyone. By redeclaring the "second_stage" variable from external to static and defining it only in shim.c, we have limited the visibility of the variable. This variable was only visible in the translation unit of shim.c. And was no longer visible in the translation unit of load-options.c, for example. But that really helped me to solve the problem. The next pull request is coming soon.