rhdunn / cainteoir-engine

The Cainteoir Text-to-Speech core engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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create a FSA/RegEx compiler framework and use it in the document parsers #21

Open rhdunn opened 12 years ago

rhdunn commented 12 years ago

Currently, the document parsers (specifically the xml and rtf parsers/tokenizers) are hand-written. These work, but we can do better.

I want to use regular expressions for handling the dictionary word and rule matching engine.

Also, there are advanced things like identifying Chapters/Parts/Sections/Paragraphs/Authors in plain text documents and handling the different pipelines (e.g. iterating over words or utf-8 characters).

The basic pipeline is:

RE => IR => optimize => FSA => IR => optimize => ( machine code | interpreter )

RE : Regular Expression IR : Intermediate Representation / Intermediate Language FSA : Finite State Automata

The advantages of this are: 1/ there is no hand-written code (specifically lexer machinery) dealing directly with strings/string matching [*]; 2/ all string processing code goes through the same pipeline (code reuse); 3/ extra verification/coverage of the RE/FSA pipleline; 4/ easier to maintain; 5/ take advantage of the machine code machinery -- fast; 6/ optimizations made to the RE/FSA pipeline improve performance of the document parsers.

[*] There may be hand-constructed FSA or RE/IR objects.

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