Open RedPine91 opened 3 years ago
Here's an excerpt from the error log:
Unhandled case: WTH_RepairRate, Plant_Smokeleaf
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch0 (string)
RimWorld.StatWorker:ShouldShowFor (RimWorld.StatRequest)
RimWorld.StatsReportUtility/<>c__DisplayClass20_0:1<RimWorld.StatDrawEntry>:MoveNext () System.Collections.Generic.List
11<RimWorld.StatDrawEntry>) System.Collections.Generic.List
Hey, I can't access the full log. Please report it with Hugslib log sharing. Press ctrl+f12 after getting the issue. I really need a Hugslib log and not a normal one so I can see your mod load order and patches.
This is probably a conflict with DubsMintMenus by the way. It might be an issue that is caused all together by dubs mint menus.
Trying to grow plants generates errors, because WTH is trying and failing to give my dandelions "repair" and "power consumption" stats. Note that the plant related errors didn't generate until after I made a grow zone and changed which plant was grown.
Error log below.
On a personal note, I find this error extremely amusing. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that it wasn't a plant mod that broke plants.