Required information!
OS version: Win7 SP1 x64
ConEmu version: 130427 [64]
Far version (if you are using Far Manager): n/a
*Bug description*
To check the stability of ConEmu I've played a little with outputting binary
data and invalid terminal control sequences. In some cases some crashes do
appear - usually the crash is in the console application (and not ConEmu
itself), but it's due to the ConEmuHk hook. Sometimes ConEmu itself crashes
(though tbh I have not managed to reproduce it on the newest ConEmu version;
this problem was mostly in older versions).
(I've attached the test app - ansifuzz.cpp)
Additionally, sometimes a simple: int main(){for(;;)putchar(rand());} freezez
ConEmu after pressing ctrl-c to break the output.
Note: I have enabled the following In-console options (I think they are
* Inject ConEmuHk
* ANSI X3.64 / xterm 256 colors
*Steps to reproduction*
1. Download the attached file and run: type last_test.bin
2. It should go for a while and then step. Press ctrl+c - it will output some
more text and crash.
I didn't analyze the bugs further.
Original issue reported on by gynvael on 12 May 2013 at 10:29
Original issue reported on by
on 12 May 2013 at 10:29Attachments: