rhettg / Tron

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Rework job dependencies to have a "run on job completion" option #10

Closed mtytel closed 13 years ago

mtytel commented 13 years ago

Our current model for job dependencies has every job on it's own schedule. When a job is scheduled to run, it checks if required jobs ran recently.

The new model for job dependencies does not have dependent jobs on a schedule. Instead have a "run_on_success" (or similarly named) option that, on completion of a required job, runs the dependent job.

mtytel commented 13 years ago

I realized this is ambiguous. A better tag is "run_after" or similar.
Here's an example. Job A has an hourly scheduling and Job B has the "run_after: Job A" option. When Job A completes successfully, Job B will start.

mtytel commented 13 years ago

Went with a "follow_on_success" option.
Run, execute and start are ambiguous because they can either apply to the self or to the other job. Follow implies self. Also, may consider "follow_on_failure" and "follow_regardless"* options *probably not the best name