rhettg / Tron

Next generation batch process scheduling and management
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Consider collapsing "Node" and "NodePool" #29

Closed mtai closed 13 years ago

mtai commented 13 years ago

I was looking over our Tronfig and observed that we can define NodePool's and Node's... it appears that a NodePool covers the notion of Node. Should we collapse these? It seems confusing that NodePool takes "hostnames" but a Node takes a "hostname" Seems like a difference that most people may miss the first time around

- &servicePool !NodePool
    hostnames: ['batch3', 'batch4']
- &batch2 !Node
    hostname: batch2
rhettg commented 13 years ago

It probably makes more sense to compose a NodePool of a list of Nodes &references

mtai commented 13 years ago

Agreed. Composing a NodePool with Node &refs makes more sense

mtytel commented 13 years ago

Fixed by Rhett.