rhettg / Tron

Next generation batch process scheduling and management
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Revisit Action "requires" field #30

Open mtai opened 13 years ago

mtai commented 13 years ago

It appears in sample Tronfigs that all attributes that indicate that they can take many usually expect lists. "hostnames" accepts a list. "actions" basically takes a list. "requires" appear to be able to take a single dependency NOT wrapped in a list and therefore seems somewhat strange. I don't think many people would be opposed to always creating a LIST of requirements even if it means that there's only a single dependency. I guess we can consider either of the following changes

Attribute - "require" that takes a single Action Attribute - "requires" takes a LIST of dependent actions

mtytel commented 13 years ago

I believe pluralizing "require" implies multiple things having the requirement, not one thing having multiple requirements.

One of the reasons I put the ability to specify a list or single action was to keep simple configurations simple.
We can expose that functionality though if you think it's a more common feature to use.