rhettg / Tron

Next generation batch process scheduling and management
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Tronview a little too unnecessary wide #52

Closed rhettg closed 13 years ago

rhettg commented 13 years ago

Check out the following page:

rhettg@batch2:/nail/tron$ tronview ad_simulation
Scheduler: DAILY

List of Actions (topological):

Node Pool:

Run History: (40 total)
Run ID                                                                                       State  Node                 Scheduled Time      
.39                                                                                          SCHE   batch6               2011-01-15 0        
                                                                                             Start: -  End: -  (-)
.38                                                                                          CANC   batch6               2011-01-14 0        
                                                                                             Start: -  End: -  (-)
.37                                                                                          CANC   batch6               2011-01-13 0        
                                                                                             Start: -  End: -  (-)
.36                                                                                          FAIL   batch6               2011-01-12 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-12 13:58:07  End: -  (2 days, 2:03:32)
.35                                                                                          SUCC   batch6               2011-01-11 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-11 09:27:59  End: 2011-01-12 13:58:07  (1 day, 4:30:08)
.34                                                                                          SUCC   batch6               2011-01-10 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-10 05:16:10  End: 2011-01-11 09:27:59  (1 day, 4:11:48)
.33                                                                                          SUCC   batch6               2011-01-09 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-09 04:00:00  End: 2011-01-10 05:16:10  (1 day, 1:16:10)
.32                                                                                          SUCC   batch6               2011-01-08 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-08 04:00:00  End: 2011-01-08 09:24:38  (5:24:38)
.31                                                                                          FAIL   batch6               2011-01-07 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-07 04:00:00  End: -  (7 days, 12:01:40)
.30                                                                                          FAIL   batch6               2011-01-06 0        
                                                                                             Start: 2011-01-06 05:47:24  End: -  (8 days, 10:14:15)

When the id or command or whatever is really long, it's nice that we now expand to fill the terminal. However, that means lots of jobs are just unnecessarily too far away to where it's difficult to read.

New rules... Make the adjustable column (Run ID in this case) at minimum something like 25 characters, max whatever the terminal allow, but otherwise the max size of the id in question. I think this should look much more professional.

ghost commented 13 years ago


rhettg commented 13 years ago

Looks good. Fixed in 0.1.10