rhexa / bookme

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Decide what tech stack to use #2

Open rhexa opened 6 months ago

rhexa commented 6 months ago


Bookme is planned to be a reservation software that supports booking for certain time slot with some interval (hourly, daily, or custom) for product/s or service/s. It will have two user interfaces:

  1. admin panel: to manage product/s or service/s, availability, reservation, setting time slot interval or range
  2. public site: to show product/s or service/s, its availabilities and reserve it through the reservation form

Figure out the tech stack to use based on the description above. We will need:

  1. database
  2. backend
  3. frontend
  4. cloud provider (when applied)

Document the findings on the wiki page


rhexa commented 2 months ago

1. Database

PostgreSQL is chosen as we will have relational data and as the application grows it may requires more complex transactions and strong consistency. Additionally, When handling structured data and relationships using foreign keys, PostgreSQL (relational database) can simplify queries involving multiple tables.

rhexa commented 2 months ago

2. Backend

NodeJS with type script. In javascript it is really annoying to troubleshoot bug related to the type. For example, string 1 + numeric 1 = 11. And 1 == "1" is True. Debugging this kind of issue could be challenging. Typescript help us in addressing this kind of issues.


rhexa commented 2 months ago

3. Frontend

React + vite with Typescript

rhexa commented 2 months ago

Time logging

Date Duration Notes
17-5-24 1.5h Research on what database to use, Vanilla JS or Typescript, what backend to use and its main dependencies, and frontend