rhicks / bgp-dashboard

BGP Dashboard and Monitoring Web Application
356 stars 75 forks source link

gobgp docker doesn't start #1

Open rhicks opened 7 years ago

rhicks commented 7 years ago

When starting the docker images with either:

# docker-compose up
# docker-compose up -d

The gobgp image doesn't stay running.

There is a race condition I haven't figured out yet. Just keep running the docker-compose up command over and over until it starts. You can check if it is running using the docker ps command.

You should see all three containers when things are working correctly:

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
ab4ac0d3bc46        bgpdash_flask       "/usr/bin/supervisord"   22 seconds ago      Up 18 seconds>80/tcp     bgpdash_flask_1
ec2546ce400b        bgpdash_gobgp       "/bin/sh -c /root/gob"   22 seconds ago      Up 6 seconds>179/tcp   bgpdash_gobgp_1
e520b32708a4        bgpdash_mongo       "/entrypoint.sh mongo"   24 seconds ago      Up 22 seconds       27017/tcp              bgpdash_mongo_1
robertcsapo commented 6 years ago

Have you figured out the race condition yet?

~/bgp-dashboard# docker-compose up | grep -i "exited with code 0"
Starting bgpdashboard_data_1
Starting bgpdashboard_mongo_1
Starting bgpdashboard_flask_1
Starting bgpdashboard_gobgp_1
bgpdashboard_data_1 exited with code 0
bgpdashboard_gobgp_1 exited with code 0
Stopping bgpdashboard_gobgp_1 ... done
Stopping bgpdashboard_flask_1 ... done
Stopping bgpdashboard_mongo_1 ... done
iamdexterpark commented 6 years ago

Workaround for the race condition:

gobgp: build: ./gobgp/ ports:

  • 179:179 links:
  • mongo volumes_from:
  • data restart: always

However the container isn't peering, I see a BGP OPEN message from my router followed by an ACK & FIN from my MacBook. This tells me that the router is attempting to peer and either my Mac or the goBGP container is closing the connection.