rhiestan / Regard3D

A open source structure-from-motion program based on OpenMVG.
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Sensor Database #8

Closed MarcoMazzo closed 6 years ago

MarcoMazzo commented 6 years ago

hi, i've installed the latest version, but after creating a new project and selecting the pictures it not reconise the sensor size. I've tried both an existing camera and adding a new one. It seems isn't able to find the csv file. any suggestion? I've tried also to run it as administrator. Thanks

rhiestan commented 6 years ago

Are you working on Windows or on Mac OS? If on Windows, does the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\hiesti.ch\Regard3D\CameraDBFileName point to the correct file?

MarcoMazzo commented 6 years ago

Sorry, yes i'm working on Windows 10 and yes it is pointing on the right path... thanks

rhiestan commented 6 years ago

What is the exact name of the camera maker and model? Can you please make a screenshot from the picture set dialog?

MarcoMazzo commented 6 years ago

First i've tried to add my phone in the database Microsoft;Lumia 930;5,76 2017-09-08 09_30_30-proprieta - wp_20170608_12_16_05_pro jpg

then i've tried with another camera that is already in the database, a Canon EOS 5D Mark II 2017-09-08 09_28_56-sirecon.

this is the regedit 2017-09-08 09_43_19-editor del registro di sistema

this is the picture set with both camera models pic-set

here the database in notepad++ and the file path in the system sensor_database csv canon sensor_database csv lumia

rhiestan commented 6 years ago

This is very strange. The only thing that comes to mind is that the sensor_database.csv is corrupted somehow. Can you please send it to me?

MarcoMazzo commented 6 years ago

i try to download from github here is mine sensor_database.zip

MarcoMazzo commented 6 years ago

ok i solved downloading the csv from repository, the only thing i've done was modify it the first time with openoffice... maybe saving it i've corrupted the file. Thanks for patience

rhiestan commented 6 years ago

OK, great! You're welcome!