rhiever / TwitterFollowBot

A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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error module' object has no attribute 'search'. #121

Open sneha152 opened 7 years ago

sneha152 commented 7 years ago


I am pretty new to this process of fetching data from twitter api.I need totla number of tweets of a particular location.So i was trying out the code from the link-https://github.com/ideoforms/python-twitter-examples/blob/master/twitter-search-geo.py#L1.

Instead of just saving iit in csv file i was simplying trying to sidplay it in terminal.But I am getting error module' object has no attribute 'search'.I am really stuck with it so if anybody can help me out it would be very kindful.

Below is the detail of the code and the error I am getting. Thanking in advance, Sneha Saha



- performs a search for tweets close to New Cross, and outputs

them to a CSV file.


import twitter import json

latitude = 51.474144 # geographical centre of search longitude = -0.035401 # geographical centre of search max_range = 1 # search range in kilometres num_results = 500 # minimum results to obtain




twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)


open a file to write (mode "w"), and create a CSV writer object



add headings to our CSV file



the twitter API only allows us to query up to 100 tweets at a time.

to search for more, we will break our search up into 10 "pages", each

of which will include 100 matching tweets.


resultcount = 0 q = "" search_results = twitter_api.search.tweets(q="test", count=100) statuses = search_results['statuses'] last_id = None

# perform a search based on latitude and longitude
# twitter API docs: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/search

query = twitter.search.tweets(q = "test", geocode = "%f,%f,%dkm" % (latitude, longitude, max_range),count = 100,max_id=last_id)

for result in query["statuses"]:


    # only process a result if it has a geolocation
    if result["geo"]:
        user = result["user"]["screen_name"]
        text = result["text"]
        text = text.encode('ascii', 'replace')
        latitude = result["geo"]["coordinates"][0]
        longitude = result["geo"]["coordinates"][1]

        # now write this row to our CSV file

last_id = result["id"]

print json.dumps(user[0:1000],indent=1) print json.dumps(text[0:1000],indent=1) print json.dumps(latitude[0:1000],indent=1) print json.dumps(longitude[0:1000],indent=1)

Error $ python /home/student/Downloads/geotag.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/student/Downloads/geotag.py", line 55, in query = twitter.search.tweets(q = "test", geocode = "%f,%f,%dkm" % (latitude, longitude, max_range),count = 100,max_id=last_id) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'search'