rhiever / TwitterFollowBot

A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.3k stars 448 forks source link

Understanding 'Already Followed FIle' (to create a 'Black List' function) #125

Open danielep76 opened 7 years ago

danielep76 commented 7 years ago

Hello Randal, first of all thank you very much for your work: TwitterFollowBot is very useful, and a very clean code, I'm using it both to improve my TW account and to start studying Python!

I'm just a beginner, therefore I cannot understand so much and I'd need some help to understand how to modify the original code...

ISSUE: from my TW account page, I manually revise my following list, removing the accounts I actually don't want to follow (e.g. offensive, spam, languages I don't speak) that the BOT added automatically. When I re-start the BOT, it adds again the same accounts I eliminated before (for instance, they are using a keyword I indicate as relevant). How could I avoid it?

I cannot understand how the ALREADY_FOLLOWED_FILE works: does it consider only accounts unfollowed by the BOT? There is an 'unfollowed list' into my Twitter account considering all the unfollowing actions? Could I manually add undesirable account IDs to my ALREADY_FOLLOWED_FILE (what happens during re-sync?)

By the way, it seems to me that def auto_follow_followers doesn't takes into account the do_not_follow_list (if it is enough to do the trick).

My final goal is to create a sort of Black List function: I tried to mess around your code, but obviously it doesn’t work (I don't post here to don't waste space, if you promise me you will not laugh, I can send you).

Thank you very much!
