rhiever / TwitterFollowBot

A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.3k stars 448 forks source link

Limit the number of people who do not follow us #140

Open najbot opened 6 years ago

najbot commented 6 years ago

It is always useful to choose the number of people to stop following automatically.

In this case in the init.py file look for the function: auto_unfollow_nonfollowers

It will need to have this: def auto_unfollow_nonfollowers (self, count = None) just delete = None. What gives us def auto_unfollow_nonfollowers (self, count)

Then in your bot file enter the number of people to no longer automatically follow. Which gives me my_bot.auto_unfollow_nonfollowers (10) for you to put the number that suits you. Because to delete everyone in a day that can be frowned on by twitter.