rhiever / TwitterFollowBot

A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.31k stars 447 forks source link

Rate Limit Support #29

Closed selimanac closed 9 years ago

selimanac commented 9 years ago

Rate Limit support would be fine

rhiever commented 9 years ago

:+1: I agree that keeping track of how many requests are sent and more gracefully managing the rate limits of the API would be a great enhancement. This enhancement could be as simple as detecting the "you are rate limited" error from the API and gracefully closing the bot.

selimanac commented 9 years ago

Also (as far as i know) Rate Limit Error returns the time which you have to wait until next request. (I have a few cron jobs which runs your script. Today twitter stops my api write access :))

Nickfost commented 9 years ago

Twitter pulled all my API access too. It was on April first so i was hoping it was a joke, alas it was not. :cry:

rhiever commented 9 years ago

@Nickfost: I'm working on a patch to make the bot more gracefully quit upon hitting rate limits, but not abusing the API is up to the user. Either spread your usage of the bot evenly along the day, or only use the bot en masse a couple times a day. I've also seen people get their access revoked if they are being "spammy" with their tweets, e.g., constantly promoting their business/products.