rhiever / TwitterFollowBot

A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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yours advises about auto_following #85

Closed Fantasim closed 8 years ago

Fantasim commented 8 years ago

I wanted to know what you think are the best times to start the bot auto_follow without being suspended by twitter. I put auto_follow between 5 and 10 seconds that I left running 1 hour and 30 minutes a day. your opinions ?

rl421403 commented 8 years ago

You have to make sure you do not follow too many ppl every 15 mins.

Twitter's daily limit to follow is 1000, which makes ~10 followers per 15 min on an average. But I am sure rate limit is more than that. So I am assuming it should be near 50. But you don't want to go near that number very frequently or any other rate limit.

I want to build a huge following and want to keep account for a very long. That's why I do not take huge risks. Right now I am following 1 person every min (so wait is around 60 sec) which works great. Never had any issue. I let it run for 4 hours and a maximum of 200-250 follows per day.

I am getting 50-60 followers on an average and got 2500 followers total in last 2 months.

Fantasim commented 8 years ago

ok thank's

revanthrr commented 8 years ago

can you tell me how you got it to do the delays? mine just keeps following every second :\ i am pretty new to coding, thanks :)

Fantasim commented 8 years ago

in your config.txt this two lines :


bzhr commented 8 years ago

Hello, I have three apps suspended in the last two weeks. For the first two times I thought I'm breaking some API limits, because I've edited the auto follow function, but then I've read this thread and I realized I probably need pauses between follows, so I've added those (1min. pause between every follow) and the app got suspended again. Now I realized that while I have pauses between follows, I don't have pauses between unfollows of non-followers, so I guess this is the reason my app got suspended, do I need pauses between unfollows too?

And also, before making the fourth app I would like to know what is the probability of getting the account blocked? How much careful do I need to be? Is there a way to check why your app got suspended?

revanthrr commented 8 years ago

Ben, are you maintaining a proper ratio of atleast 1:3 :: following:followers ?

bzhr commented 8 years ago

The account has approximately 1:1 following:followers ratio.

bzhr commented 8 years ago

one more thing, the error I get is: {u'message': u'Invalid or expired token.', u'code': 89} is this the error you get when your app got suspended?

revanthrr commented 8 years ago

1:1 is not good, try to unfollow inactive people using manageflitter then and there, also the error basically says either your app is suspended or the tokens are expired, go to apps.twitter.com and click on your app and regenerate your keys and tokens, and put the new keys to the config.txt

bzhr commented 8 years ago

ok, thanks for the advice. Where can I find the managefilter, is it a part of the twitterfollowbot app?

revanthrr commented 8 years ago

it's a web based app manageflitter.com or try tweepi.com

bzhr commented 8 years ago

ok I'll do this. Thank you again.

rl421403 commented 8 years ago

The thing is Twitter has started cracking down heavily on users who use bots to automate follow users or like tweets.

If your actions leave foot trail for aggressive following/unfollowing then Twitter will suspend your app.

This is what working for me.

  1. Auto follow users with more than 1 min delay. FOLLOW_BACKOFF_MIN_SECONDS:61 FOLLOW_BACKOFF_MAX_SECONDS:70
  2. I use 3-4 different apps to follow and unfollow maximum of 46 users each app per day.
  3. Follow maximum of 200-230 users per day.
  4. Post regularly on your Twitter account. (look active)