rhiever / TwitterFollowBot

A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter, such as following users and favoriting tweets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Does not save anything in already-followed.txt? #91

Open steffanjensen opened 8 years ago

steffanjensen commented 8 years ago

Hi my friend,

My already-followed.txt is just empty the bot does not save anything in there?

Here is my code am i doing something wrong?

from TwitterFollowBot import TwitterBot import re

import time

while True: my_bot = TwitterBot() my_bot.auto_follow("#indiedev", count=1) my_bot.auto_fav("indiedev", count=1) my_bot.auto_rt("indiedev", count=1)


my_bot = TwitterBot("config2.txt")
my_bot.auto_follow("#appstore", count=1)
my_bot.auto_fav("appstore", count=1)
my_bot.auto_rt("appstore", count=1)


my_bot = TwitterBot("config3.txt")
my_bot.auto_follow("#androiddev", count=1)
my_bot.auto_fav("androiddev", count=1)
my_bot.auto_rt("androiddev", count=1)

steffanjensen commented 8 years ago

Got it to work by using my_bot.sync_follows() i think

rhiever commented 8 years ago

already-followed.txt is only updated when you call auto_unfollow_nonfollowers(). This is to prevent future follow actions from following the same people that you've already followed-then-unfollowed.

Calling sync_follows() will sync your current follows (people you follow) and followers (people who follow you) to separate local files.

In total, that's 3 separate files for your follower information:

Hope that clears things up.