rhiokim / grunt-sloc

Source line of codes plugin for Grunt.js
MIT License
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Doesn't Work With "watch" #2

Closed theGeekPirate closed 11 years ago

theGeekPirate commented 11 years ago

Using watch then changing a file, sloc doesn't output the results again.

theGeekPirate commented 11 years ago

Still doesn't seem to be working =(

Tested by saving one of the files that "grunt-contrib-watch" was watching, and the rest of the plugins run, but grunt-sloc does not.


rhiokim commented 11 years ago

Can I show your Gruntfile.js or Project? And error log.

theGeekPirate commented 11 years ago
module.exports = function(grunt) {
    'use strict';

    //load tasks from the npm modules

        //read package.json so the key values can be used if needed
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
        //deletes everything from the build folder, so we start fresh
        clean: {
            buildFolder: ['build']
        //counts the lines of code
        sloc: {
            server: {
                files: {
                    './': ['Gruntfile.js', 'server.js', 'server/**.js'],
                    /*'server': ['**.js']*/
            client: {
                files: {
                    'client': ['js/app/**.js','views/**.js']
            tests: {
                files: {
                    'tests': ['**.js']
        //concatenates the CSS and JS files into a single file
        concat: {
            js: {
                src: [
                dest: 'build/app.js'
            css: {
                src: ['client/css/normalize.css', 'client/css/**/*.css'],
                dest: 'build/app.css'
        //compresses all of the server files for easy modulus.io uploading
        compress: {
            website: {
                options: {
                    archive: 'build/modulus.zip'
                files: [
                    { src: ['server/**', 'package.json', 'server.js'], dest: '' },
        //runs jslint
        jslint: { // configure the task
            files: [ // some example files
            exclude: ['server/karma.conf.js'],
            directives: {
                browser: true, //standard browser globals should be predefined //TODO: Create another task for running client .js vs server .js
                unparam: true, //warnings should not be given for unused parameters
                todo: true, //allow TODO comments
                node: true, //TODO: Create another task for running client .js vs server .js
                white: true, //avoid messages about whitespace ("I do what I want!" - Cartman)
                indent: 4, //4 spaces per indentation
                devel: true, //allow console.log, alert, etc. //TODO: Separate development and production builds
                nomen: true, //allow underscores in the beginning of function names
                regexp: true, //tolerate . and [^...]. in /RegExp/
                predef: [ // array of pre-defined globals
            options: {
                errorsOnly: true, // only display errors
                failOnError: false, // defaults to true
                shebang: true, // ignore shebang lines
                //junit: 'out/junit.xml', // write the output to a JUnit XML
                //log: 'out/lint.log',
                //jslintXml: 'out/jslint_xml.xml',
                //checkstyle: 'out/checkstyle.xml' // write a checkstyle-XML
        watch: {
            scripts: {
                files: [
                tasks: [
                options: {


    //setup the workflow
    grunt.registerTask('default', ['sloc', 'jslint', 'clean', 'concat', 'compress', 'watch']);
theGeekPirate commented 11 years ago

Oh whoops, I found my issue, sorry about that!

Forgot to include 'sloc' in the watch tasks, this is what I get for being a newbie blush

rhiokim commented 11 years ago

Yep!! :-)