rhnvrm / ConstAssemblyBot

A twitter bot that tweets a sentence from the Indian Constituent Assembly Debates every 10 minutes.
MIT License
13 stars 5 forks source link

Add data #18

Open rhnvrm opened 3 years ago

rhnvrm commented 3 years ago

The bot has run out of data to tweet. If any one wants to volunteer and contribute to adding data feel free to ping either me or @kumbhakaran on this thread and we can help you get started and things to take care of while adding data.

rhnvrm commented 3 years ago

Steps to add a file:

I used the above steps to add the following commits:

57924f480e2aa8b5549e6965e287175bc9592373, cd3a347fb596a52d074c62d2f6e445ddc2b0ee06, e2aeba5237a23b477f75f311e24ad53f262207a7, c4145b5b013b1a513eaa24467d4ae8921350dbcf, 5df311f7e206efc66aeec9ee25af22689e63b4cb, b268bed19c6ad3fe4cb97e6a7bffbe8e3372ff48, 693705cd5d1bcf721c3f4028571c42a487cadcf9

rhnvrm commented 2 years ago
curl https://www.constitutionofindia.net/constitution_assembly_debates/volume/7/1948-11-26 | htmlq '.ckeditor-content .row' -p  | htmlq -r .tooltiptext -r .summary-block -r .support-text -r .social-block -r .abt-events -t | sed -e 's/^ *//g' |sed -e 's/\s\s\+/ /g' | sed '/^$/d' | awk -i inplace '!seen[$0]++' | sed 's/^7\./\n7./g' >> data.txt
rhnvrm commented 2 years ago

Added Volume 8 - 3944ede7f1009dbade98a046626dd441a57df541

This commit also automates generating the file with a bash script.