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Time of Use Net Grid Cost #32

Open natrlhy opened 2 years ago

natrlhy commented 2 years ago

I have a TOU (Time of Use) plan with my electric company.

My current rates can be seen here: https://www.pge.com/tariffs/assets/pdf/tariffbook/ELEC_SCHEDS_EV2%20(Sch).pdf

What I am wondering, is, for the Net Grid Cost, how would one structure a query to account for using or sending electricity back during specific time frames?

For example: From 12am - 3pm, I used 20kWh at a rate of $0.18530 per kWh (about $3.71) From 3pm - 7pm, I sent 10kWh back to the grid at a rate of $0.49781 per kWh (about $4.98) The rest of the time, I just ran off my Powerwall and would cost nothing.

I would end up with a $1.27 "credit" or overall Net grid cost for that day.

Even though I sent back less than what I used, I sent it back at a higher rate, thus I would end up with a "credit" or not have to pay for what I used since I sent electricity back during a more expensive time.
