rhomobile / rhodes

The Rhodes framework is a platform for building locally executing, device-optimized mobile applications for all major smartphone devices.
MIT License
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javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException with Android 11 #1051

Closed nhinze closed 3 years ago

nhinze commented 3 years ago

My apps with running on Android 11 throw an javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException error when trying to connect to Rhocnnect server or directly to my server using HTTPS. All is fine on prior versions of Android.

2020-09-12 19:21:37.131 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:130 b7ef51e0 Net| POST request (Pull): sync.mydomain.com/rc/v1/app/login
2020-09-12 19:21:37.146 206-212/? E/android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup34: Permission denied
2020-09-12 19:21:37.149 206-212/? E/android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup35: Permission denied
2020-09-12 19:21:37.143 206-206/? W/Binder:206_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:3377): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup34" dev="sysfs" ino=18474 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
2020-09-12 19:21:37.147 206-206/? W/Binder:206_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:3378): avc: denied { read } for name="wakeup35" dev="sysfs" ino=18534 scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
2020-09-12 19:21:37.192 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:192 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| SSL connect to sync.mydomain.com:443
2020-09-12 19:21:37.192 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:192 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| Creating secure SSL factory
2020-09-12 19:21:37.193 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:193 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for system certificates
2020-09-12 19:21:37.193 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:193 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| Loading all SSL certificates from config
2020-09-12 19:21:37.193 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:193 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| SSL certificates loaded: 0
2020-09-12 19:21:37.193 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:193 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for custom certificates
2020-09-12 19:21:37.193 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:193 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| clientSSLCertificate is
2020-09-12 19:21:37.195 20726-20857/? I/APP: I 09/12/2020 19:21:37:195 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| Secure SSL factory initialization completed
2020-09-12 19:21:37.196 20726-20857/? I/APP: E 09/12/2020 19:21:37:196 b7ef51e0 SSLImplJava| Call of "connect" failed: SSLHandshakeException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void java.io.OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int)' on a null object reference
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void java.io.OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int)' on a null object reference
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.SSLUtils.toSSLHandshakeException(SSLUtils.java:362)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket.doHandshake(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:276)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket.startHandshake(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:217)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket.waitForHandshake(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:563)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket.getOutputStream(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:298)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.rhomobile.rhodes.socket.SSLImpl.connect(SSLImpl.java:639)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void java.io.OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int)' on a null object reference
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLOutputStream.writeToSocket(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:715)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLOutputStream.writeInternal(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:689)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLOutputStream.access$200(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:616)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket.doHandshake(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:245)
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? W/System.err: ... 4 more
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? I/APP: E 09/12/2020 19:21:37:197 b7ef51e0 Net| Operation finished with error 35: SSL connect error
2020-09-12 19:21:37.197 20726-20857/? I/APP: E 09/12/2020 19:21:37:197 b7ef51e0 Net| CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [POST] URL = [https://sync.mydomain.com/rc/v1/app/login] BODY = [{"login":"","password":"","remember_me":1}]


java: "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_211.jdk/Contents/Home/bin"
android: "/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk"
android-ndk: "/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/20.0.5594570"
app: "/Users/username/Documents/MyApps/MyApp"
wmpath: platform/wm
wp8path: platform/wp8
androidpath: platform/android
iphonepath: platform/iphone
- "**/.*.swo"
- "**/.*.swn"
- "**/.DS_Store"


name: "MyApp"
- json
- rholang
- audiocapture
- mediacapture
- mediaplayer
- rhoconnect-client
- fcm-push
# - development
- gps
- camera
- network_state
- vibrate
- sdcard
- hardware_acceleration
- push
app: "/Users/username/Documents/MyApps/MyApp"
sdk: "/Users/username/GitHub/rhodes"
minSDK: 26
targetSDK: 28
android_title: 0
manifest_template: "AndroidManifest.erb"
- arm
- aarch64
- x86
version: "11.0"
emulator: "Pixel_3a_API_30"
package_name: "com.myapps.myapp"
# notifications: always
notifications: background
fcmSenderID: 'x'
fcmAppID: '1:x'
build: "release"
applog: "rholog.txt"
version: ""
vendor: "My Apps"
sdkversion: "7.2.6"
# app_type: "rhoelements"
pareshmeb commented 3 years ago

Does any one has an idea of how to fix this issue?

jxmallett commented 3 years ago

We have the same problem. This change in Android 11 may be relevant? https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/behavior-changes-all#ssl-sockets-conscrypt

alex-epifanoff commented 3 years ago

We are working on the fix for that.

alex-epifanoff commented 3 years ago

patch branch is https://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes/tree/android30, work in progress

jxmallett commented 3 years ago

@alex-epifanoff Thanks for your work on this.

I know you said it was a work in progress but I checked out that branch and tried to do a rake run:android:device. This is my output: (with --trace)

cd /Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rhodes-30
[INFO]  |   iphone.rake execute
** Invoke run:android:device (first_time)
** Invoke run:android:device:build (first_time)
** Invoke device:android:debug (first_time)
** Invoke package:android (first_time)
** Invoke build:android:all (first_time)
** Invoke build:android:rhobundle (first_time)
** Invoke config:android (first_time)
** Invoke config:set_android_platform (first_time)
** Execute config:set_android_platform
** Execute config:android
[DEBUG] config:android| -$TIME$- message [ config:android START ] time is { 2020-10-12T07:13:20Z } milliseconds from start (0)
** Invoke config:common (first_time)
** Invoke config:initialize (first_time)
** Invoke config:load (first_time)
** Execute config:load
[DEBUG] config:load|    -$TIME$- message [ First timestamp ] time is { 2020-10-12T07:13:20Z } milliseconds from start (5)
[INFO]  config:load|    Using Rhodes configuration from path: rhobuild.yml
** Execute config:initialize
** Execute config:common
[INFO]  config:common|  Starting rhodes build system using ruby version: 2.3.8
[DEBUG] config:common|  -$TIME$- message [ config:common ] time is { 2020-10-12T07:13:20Z } milliseconds from start (8)
[DEBUG] config:common|  %%%_%%% $js_application = false
[DEBUG] config:common|  %%%_%%% $nodejs_application = false
[DEBUG] config:common|  %%%_%%% $rubynodejs_application = false
[DEBUG] config:common|  %%%_%%% $shared_rt_js_application = false
[DEBUG] config:common|  %%% Prepare capability header file %%%
[DEBUG] config:common|  //#define RHO_NO_RUBY
** Invoke config:android:app_config (first_time)
** Execute config:android:app_config
[DEBUG] config:android:app_config|  $app_config['extensions'] : ["coreapi", "decryptstub", "json", "uri", "fileutils", "signature", "mediacapture", "thread", "gettext", "locale", "companynotification", "companybadger", "pdf-writer", "externalstorage", "fcm-push"]
[DEBUG] config:android:app_config|  $app_config['capabilities'] : ["gps", "camera", "signature", "push", "vibrate", "sdcard"]
I, [2020-10-12T17:13:20.919247 #6472]  INFO -- : config:android:app_config| {"platform"=>"android"}
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rhodes-30/platform/android/build/android.rake:515:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:273:in `block in execute'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:273:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:273:in `execute'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rhodes-30/Rakefile:133:in `execute'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:214:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:238:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:213:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:238:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:213:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:238:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:213:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:238:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:213:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:238:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:213:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:238:in `block in invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:236:in `invoke_prerequisites'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:213:in `block in invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.8/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:194:in `invoke_with_call_chain'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/task.rb:183:in `invoke'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rhodes-30/Rakefile:4576:in `invoke'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:160:in `invoke_task'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:116:in `block (2 levels) in top_level'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:116:in `each'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:116:in `block in top_level'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:125:in `run_with_threads'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:110:in `top_level'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:83:in `block in run'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:186:in `standard_exception_handling'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/lib/rake/application.rb:80:in `run'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/gems/rake-12.3.3/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/bin/rake:23:in `load'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/bin/rake:23:in `<main>'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `eval'
/Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => run:android:device => run:android:device:build => device:android:debug => package:android => build:android:all => build:android:rhobundle => config:android  

I checked line 515 of android.rake. It's just $java = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"]. It seems my $config is empty except for {"platform": "android"} but I couldn't find what file it was reading that config from. Am I missing something simple?

alex-epifanoff commented 3 years ago

@jxmallett make sure you have properly configured rhobuild.yml ( located in Rhodes repository dir, or in ~/.rhomobile dir

nhinze commented 3 years ago

Is anyone able to get it to work with the android30 branch?

My app now times out when using these commands on the Ruby side:

Rho::RhoConnectClient.login("username", "password", (url_for :action => :login_callback) )


    getProps = Hash.new
    getProps['url'] = "https://www.mywebsite.com/file.josn"
    getProps['headers'] = {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
    Rho::Network.get(getProps, url_for(:action => :httpget_callback))
akaquazzar commented 3 years ago

Is anyone able to get it to work with the android30 branch?

My app now times out when using these commands on the Ruby side:

Rho::RhoConnectClient.login("username", "password", (url_for :action => :login_callback) )


    getProps = Hash.new
    getProps['url'] = "https://www.mywebsite.com/file.josn"
    getProps['headers'] = {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
    Rho::Network.get(getProps, url_for(:action => :httpget_callback))

Tests for standard get requests pass. Could you show the log?

nhinze commented 3 years ago

Here is the debug log with trace:

2020-10-11 18:24:10.043 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:043 b446d1e0 Net| POST request (Pull): sync.myapp.com/rc/v1/app/login
2020-10-11 18:24:10.043 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:043 b446d1e0 Net| Setting auth data for request: Method: 0, user: <SECRET>, password: <SECRET>
2020-10-11 18:24:10.043 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:043 b446d1e0 Net| Activate CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [POST] URL = [https://sync.myapp.com/rc/v1/app/login] BODY = [{"login":"myemail@gmail.com","password":"mypassword","remember_me":1}]
2020-10-11 18:24:10.135 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:135 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:10.178 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:178 b446d1e0 rho_ssl| rho_ssl_create_storage
2020-10-11 18:24:10.178 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:178 b446d1e0 rho_ssl| rho_ssl_connect
2020-10-11 18:24:10.179 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:179 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| SSL connect to sync.myapp.com:443
2020-10-11 18:24:10.179 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:179 b446d1e0 RhoSocketImpl| create
2020-10-11 18:24:10.179 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:179 b446d1e0 RhoSocketImpl| connect3
2020-10-11 18:24:10.180 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:180 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| Creating secure SSL factory
2020-10-11 18:24:10.180 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:180 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for system certificates
2020-10-11 18:24:10.181 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:181 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| Loading all SSL certificates from config
2020-10-11 18:24:10.181 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:181 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| SSL certificates loaded: 0
2020-10-11 18:24:10.181 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:181 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for custom certificates
2020-10-11 18:24:10.181 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:181 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| clientSSLCertificate is
2020-10-11 18:24:10.185 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:24:10:183 b446d1e0 SSLImplJava| Secure SSL factory initialization completed
2020-10-11 18:24:10.186 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:186 b446d1e0 RhoSocketImpl| getOutputStream
2020-10-11 18:24:10.188 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:188 b446d1e0 RhoSocketImpl| getInputStream
2020-10-11 18:24:10.274 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:274 b446d1e0 rho_ssl| rho_ssl_send
2020-10-11 18:24:10.275 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:275 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:10.521 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:521 b446d1e0 rho_ssl| rho_ssl_recv
2020-10-11 18:24:10.521 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:521 b446d1e0 Net| Received 41 bytes
2020-10-11 18:24:10.521 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:10:521 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:11.524 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:11:523 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:11.524 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:11:524 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:12.525 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:12:525 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:12.526 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:12:526 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:13.528 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:13:528 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:13.528 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:13:528 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:14.530 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:14:530 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:14.530 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:14:530 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:15.532 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:15:532 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:15.532 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:15:532 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:16.534 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:16:534 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:16.535 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:16:535 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:17.537 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:17:537 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:17.538 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:17:537 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:18.540 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:18:540 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:18.540 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:18:540 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:19.542 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:19:542 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:19.543 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:19:543 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:20.544 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:20:544 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:20.544 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:20:544 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:21.546 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:21:546 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:21.546 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:21:546 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:22.548 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:22:548 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:22.548 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:22:548 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:23.551 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:23:550 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:23.552 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:23:552 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:24.554 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:24:553 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:24.554 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:24:554 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:25.555 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:25:555 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:25.555 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:25:555 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:26.557 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:26:557 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:26.558 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:26:558 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:27.560 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:27:560 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:27.560 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:27:560 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:28.562 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:28:562 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:28.562 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:28:562 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:29.563 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:29:563 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:29.563 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:29:563 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:30.564 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:30:564 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:30.564 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:30:564 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:31.566 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:31:566 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:31.566 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:31:566 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:32.569 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:32:568 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:32.569 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:32:569 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:33.570 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:33:570 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:33.570 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:33:570 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:34.572 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:34:572 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:34.572 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:34:572 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:35.574 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:35:574 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:35.574 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:35:574 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:36.577 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:36:576 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:36.577 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:36:577 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:37.578 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:37:578 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:37.578 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:37:578 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:38.580 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:38:580 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:38.580 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:38:580 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:39.584 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:39:584 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:39.584 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:39:584 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:40.587 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:40:587 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:40.587 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:40:587 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:41.589 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:41:589 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:41.590 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:41:589 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:42.591 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:42:591 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:42.591 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:42:591 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:43.593 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:43:593 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:43.593 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:43:593 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:44.596 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:44:596 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:44.596 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:44:596 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:45.597 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:45:597 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:45.598 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:45:598 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:46.599 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:46:599 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:46.600 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:46:599 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:47.601 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:47:601 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:47.601 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:47:601 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:48.603 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:48:603 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:48.604 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:48:604 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:49.606 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:49:606 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:49.606 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:49:606 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:50.607 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:50:607 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:50.608 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:50:608 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:51.609 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:51:609 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:51.610 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:51:610 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:52.612 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:52:612 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:52.613 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:52:612 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:53.616 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:53:616 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:53.616 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:53:616 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:54.619 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:54:618 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:54.619 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:54:619 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:55.621 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:55:620 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:55.621 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:55:621 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:56.623 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:56:623 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:56.623 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:56:623 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:57.626 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:57:626 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:57.626 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:57:626 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:58.627 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:58:627 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:58.628 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:58:628 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:24:59.629 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:59:629 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:24:59.629 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:24:59:629 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:00.632 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:00:632 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:00.632 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:00:632 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:01.633 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:01:633 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:01.651 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:01:633 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:02.654 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:02:654 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:02.654 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:02:654 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:03.656 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:03:656 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:03.656 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:03:656 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:04.658 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:04:658 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:04.658 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:04:658 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:05.659 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:05:659 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:05.659 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:05:659 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:06.662 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:06:662 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:06.662 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:06:662 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:07.665 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:07:664 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:07.665 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:07:665 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:08.667 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:08:667 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:08.667 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:08:667 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:09.670 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:09:670 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:09.670 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:09:670 b446d1e0 Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-11 18:25:10.672 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:672 b446d1e0 Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-11 18:25:10.673 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: E 10/11/2020 18:25:10:673 b446d1e0 Net| Operation finished with error 28: Timeout was reached
2020-10-11 18:25:10.673 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: E 10/11/2020 18:25:10:673 b446d1e0 Net| CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [POST] URL = [https://sync.myapp.com/rc/v1/app/login] BODY = [{"login":"myemail@gmail.com","password":"mypassword","remember_me":1}]
2020-10-11 18:25:10.673 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:673 b446d1e0 Net| Deactivate CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [POST] URL = [https://sync.myapp.com/rc/v1/app/login] BODY = [{"login":"myemail@gmail.com","password":"mypassowrd","remember_me":1}]
2020-10-11 18:25:10.673 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:673 b446d1e0 rho_ssl| rho_ssl_shutdown
2020-10-11 18:25:10.674 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:674 b446d1e0 SSLImpl| shutdown
2020-10-11 18:25:10.677 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:677 b446d1e0 RhoSocketImpl| close
2020-10-11 18:25:10.677 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:677 b446d1e0 rho_ssl| rho_ssl_free_storage
2020-10-11 18:25:10.677 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:677 b446d1e0 Net| Deactivation is DONE
2020-10-11 18:25:10.678 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:677 b446d1e0 Net| CURLNetRequest::doPull - Status code: 401, response size: 41
2020-10-11 18:25:10.678 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: I 10/11/2020 18:25:10:678 b446d1e0 Net| Connection was closed by timeout, but we have part of data received; try to restore connection
2020-10-11 18:25:10.678 21087-21204/com.myapps.myapp I/APP: T 10/11/2020 18:25:10:678 b446d1e0 Net| CURLNetRequest::makeResponse - nErrorCode: -1

To recap:

Using the Android Emulator.

The following works with the android30 branch: minSDK: 29 targetSDK: 30 Version: 10.0 Android 10 Emulator

The following does not work with the android30 branch: minSDK: 30 targetSDK: 30 Version: 11.0 Android 11 Emulator


java: "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_261.jdk/Contents/Home/bin"
android: "/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk"
android-ndk: "/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/21.3.6528147"
app: "/Users/username/Documents/MyApps/MyApp"
wmpath: platform/wm
wp8path: platform/wp8
androidpath: platform/android
iphonepath: platform/iphone
- "**/.*.swo"
- "**/.*.swn"
- "**/.DS_Store"
nhinze commented 3 years ago

@akaquazzar could you share the build.yml and rhobuild.yml used in your testing? I want to make sure I use the same SDK, NDK, JDK and the same minSDK and targetSDK settings.

Also, which emulator are you using (Goole Play or Google APIs? x86 or x86_64?)

akaquazzar commented 3 years ago

The last ndk is used for the test (21.3.65). It is very strange that, minSdk:30 so influences. All test settings are similar to yours. May be a problem with the roconnect server.

nhinze commented 3 years ago

@akaquazzar can you test if a get request works from your side to this URL:


Using this code:

    update_url = "https://www.coursewalkapp.com/cwapp_version.json"

    getProps = Hash.new
    getProps['url'] = update_url
    getProps['headers'] = {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
    Rho::Network.get(getProps, url_for(:action => :httpget_callback))
akaquazzar commented 3 years ago

Tested. The request is successful. Without any problem...

alex-epifanoff commented 3 years ago

@nhinze make sure you have cleaned bin dir of the app and rebuild all.

nhinze commented 3 years ago

@alex-epifanoff clearing the bin didn't fix the issue. I had been using "rake clean:android" also.

I install and run Rhodes with ruby 2.3.8. Is that still ok or should I use a newer version of ruby?

I'm going to delete the entire Android Studio / SDK / NDK and reinstall.

alex-epifanoff commented 3 years ago

@nhinze 2.3.8 is fine, latest Rho versions should work OK on 2.3.x to 2.6.x. If you installed SDK 30 and latest NDK I doubt reinstall would help. We have tried same url you have it it works on our end. My guess it is your specific environment or device. Or binary. You can share whole app project you have and a binary APK you have. We'll try to run it and check if it would work at our env.

nhinze commented 3 years ago

@alex-epifanoff I created an empty app based on RMS 7.2.11. I added the Rho::Network.get code to the Settings/index controller action. The APK is in the bin folder. It won't work for me on any Android 11 emulator (x86)


akaquazzar commented 3 years ago

There is a slowdown using your apk, but it ends up getting a request. Add to build.yml minSDK:30 and use x86 architecture. The resulting apk has no problems compared to what you sent. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1roL5h64nZUUpYyhrS9vmWtgfOCYDWDTN/view?usp=sharing

nhinze commented 3 years ago

I made the changes. The log is below. The get request receives the data. However, the http_callback is only called after it times out (30s). The @params also contains an error status code:

"error_code"=>"1", "error_message"=>"", "status"=>"error"

What does the log look like on your side?

New APK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zqZbVRgYpPnHT_8mpZiGOvY-E3eOtOXS/view?usp=sharing

2020-10-23 09:07:18.564 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:564 ed41f478    RhodesApplication| Inside runwhen before return
2020-10-23 09:07:18.565 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:565 ed41f478       SimpleMainView| Cleared URL:
2020-10-23 09:07:18.566 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:566 ed41f478     WebViewSingleton| onBeforeNavigate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2020-10-23 09:07:18.575 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:575 baf271e0           HttpServer| Process URI: '/app/Settings'
2020-10-23 09:07:18.576 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:576 baf271e0                  APP| RHO serve: /app/Settings
2020-10-23 09:07:18.577 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:576 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: fname: Settings/controller
2020-10-23 09:07:18.577 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:577 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check dir /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/lib
2020-10-23 09:07:18.577 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:577 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/lib/Settings/controller.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.577 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:577 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check dir /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps
2020-10-23 09:07:18.577 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:577 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/Settings/controller.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.577 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:577 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check dir /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app
2020-10-23 09:07:18.578 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:578 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/Settings/controller.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.578 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:578 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: RhoPreparePath: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/Settings/controller.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.578 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:578 baf271e0              RhoRuby| require_compiled: Settings/controller, full path: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/Settings/controller.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.580 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:580 baf271e0              RhoRuby| loadISeqFromFile: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/Settings/controller.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.582 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:582 baf271e0              RhoRuby| require_compiled: Loaded file encoded in ASCII
2020-10-23 09:07:18.582 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:582 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: fname: helpers/browser_helper
2020-10-23 09:07:18.582 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:582 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check dir /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/lib
2020-10-23 09:07:18.582 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:582 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/lib/helpers/browser_helper.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.582 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:582 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check dir /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps
2020-10-23 09:07:18.582 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:582 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/helpers/browser_helper.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.583 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:583 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check dir /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app
2020-10-23 09:07:18.583 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:583 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: check file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/helpers/browser_helper.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.583 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:583 baf271e0              RhoRuby| find_file: RhoPreparePath: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/helpers/browser_helper.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.583 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:583 baf271e0              RhoRuby| require_compiled: helpers/browser_helper, full path: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/helpers/browser_helper.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.584 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 E/PhoneWindow: Horizontal progress bar not located in current window decor
2020-10-23 09:07:18.584 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:584 ed41f478     RhoWebViewClient| Load resourcehttp://
2020-10-23 09:07:18.584 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:584 ed41f478     WebViewSingleton| onLoadResource >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2020-10-23 09:07:18.594 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:594 baf271e0              RhoRuby| loadISeqFromFile: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/helpers/browser_helper.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.596 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:596 baf271e0              RhoRuby| require_compiled: Loaded file encoded in ASCII
2020-10-23 09:07:18.598 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:598 baf271e0              Network| addCommand: 
2020-10-23 09:07:18.600 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:600 baf271e0              RhoRuby| loadISeqFromFile: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/Settings/index_erb.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.600 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:600 bba421e0              Network| Starting main routine...
2020-10-23 09:07:18.601 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:601 bba421e0                  Net| GET request (Pull): https://www.coursewalkapp.com/cwapp_version.json
2020-10-23 09:07:18.603 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:603 baf271e0              RhoRuby| loadISeqFromFile: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/layout_erb.iseq
2020-10-23 09:07:18.604 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:604 baf271e0 RHO SettingsController| Layout file: /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/layout_erb.iseq. Content size: 1127
2020-10-23 09:07:18.607 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:607 baf271e0    RhodesApplication| Inside runwhen before return
2020-10-23 09:07:18.609 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:609 baf271e0           HttpServer| GC Start.
2020-10-23 09:07:18.618 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:618 baf271e0           HttpServer| GC End.
2020-10-23 09:07:18.665 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:665 ed41f478     WebViewSingleton| onBeforeNavigate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2020-10-23 09:07:18.665 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 E/PhoneWindow: Horizontal progress bar not located in current window decor
2020-10-23 09:07:18.690 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:690 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (26 bytes):   Trying
2020-10-23 09:07:18.699 5092-5244/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:699 b775d1e0               NewORM| calling useNewOrm
2020-10-23 09:07:18.704 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 E/PhoneWindow: Horizontal progress bar not located in current window decor
2020-10-23 09:07:18.709 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/chatty: uid=10151(com.rhomobile.rms7211) identical 2 lines
2020-10-23 09:07:18.711 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 E/PhoneWindow: Horizontal progress bar not located in current window decor
2020-10-23 09:07:18.711 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:711 ed41f478     WebViewSingleton| onNavigateComplete <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2020-10-23 09:07:18.733 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:18:732 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (65 bytes): Connected to www.coursewalkapp.com ( port 443 (#0)
2020-10-23 09:07:18.895 5092-5133/com.rhomobile.rms7211 D/OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xe6807410 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0xbd474ed0
2020-10-23 09:07:19.377 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:377 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| SSL connect to www.coursewalkapp.com:443
2020-10-23 09:07:19.379 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 W/omobile.rms721: Accessing hidden field Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;->descriptor:I (greylist, JNI, allowed)
2020-10-23 09:07:19.379 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:379 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| Creating secure SSL factory
2020-10-23 09:07:19.380 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:379 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for system certificates
2020-10-23 09:07:19.380 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:380 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| Loading all SSL certificates from config
2020-10-23 09:07:19.380 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:380 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| SSL certificates loaded: 0
2020-10-23 09:07:19.380 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:380 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for custom certificates
2020-10-23 09:07:19.380 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:380 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| clientSSLCertificate is 
2020-10-23 09:07:19.382 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:382 bba421e0          SSLImplJava| Secure SSL factory initialization completed
2020-10-23 09:07:19.583 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:582 bba421e0                  Net| => Send headers (229 bytes): GET /cwapp_version.json HTTP/1.1
    Host: www.coursewalkapp.com
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: application/json
    User-Agent: Mozilla-5.0 (ANDROID; Google generic_x86_arm; 11)
2020-10-23 09:07:19.818 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:818 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (17 bytes): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2020-10-23 09:07:19.818 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:818 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (37 bytes): Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 13:07:20 GMT
2020-10-23 09:07:19.818 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:818 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (32 bytes): Content-Type: application/json
2020-10-23 09:07:19.818 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:818 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (28 bytes): Transfer-Encoding: chunked
2020-10-23 09:07:19.818 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:818 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (24 bytes): Connection: keep-alive
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (124 bytes): Added cookie __cfduid="d9276fe70f1097f5b95551956616c7efd1603458440" for domain coursewalkapp.com, path /, expire 1606050440
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (162 bytes): Set-Cookie: __cfduid=d9276fe70f1097f5b95551956616c7efd1603458440; expires=Sun, 22-Nov-20 13:07:20 GMT; path=/; domain=.coursewalkapp.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (46 bytes): Last-Modified: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 13:47:57 GMT
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (26 bytes): Cache-Control: max-age=0
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (40 bytes): Expires: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 13:07:20 GMT
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (26 bytes): CF-Cache-Status: DYNAMIC
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (49 bytes): cf-request-id: 05f72b33e4000002e77b25c000000001
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (100 bytes): Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (143 bytes): Report-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report?lkg-colo=16&lkg-time=1603458440"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (46 bytes): NEL: {"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (20 bytes): Server: cloudflare
2020-10-23 09:07:19.819 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:819 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (30 bytes): CF-RAY: 5e6bae33085402e7-IAD
2020-10-23 09:07:19.820 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:820 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (24 bytes): Content-Encoding: gzip
2020-10-23 09:07:19.820 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:820 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (2 bytes): 
2020-10-23 09:07:19.820 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:19:820 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv data (153 bytes): 93
2020-10-23 09:07:49.880 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: E 10/23/2020 09:07:49:880 bba421e0                  Net| Operation finished with error 28: Timeout was reached
2020-10-23 09:07:49.880 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: E 10/23/2020 09:07:49:880 bba421e0                  Net|   CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [GET] URL = [https://www.coursewalkapp.com/cwapp_version.json] BODY = []
2020-10-23 09:07:49.880 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:880 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (21 bytes): Closing connection 0
2020-10-23 09:07:49.883 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:883 bba421e0                  Net| Connection was closed by timeout, but we have part of data received; try to restore connection
2020-10-23 09:07:49.884 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:884 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (22 bytes):   Trying
2020-10-23 09:07:49.886 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:886 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (51 bytes): Connected to ( port 33943 (#0)
2020-10-23 09:07:49.886 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:886 baf271e0           HttpServer| Process URI: '/app/Settings/httpget_callback'
2020-10-23 09:07:49.887 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:887 baf271e0                  APP| RHO serve: /app/Settings/httpget_callback
2020-10-23 09:07:49.888 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:888 baf271e0                  APP| Params: {"__rho_object"=>{"__rho_inline"=>"0"}, "rho_callback"=>"1"}
2020-10-23 09:07:49.889 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:889 baf271e0                  APP| {"rho_callback"=>"1", "body"=>"{\"Apple\" : \"\", \"Android\" : \"\", \"Apple2\" : \"\", \"Android2\" : \"\", \"Dressage\" : 63, \"LiveScores\" : 3, \"AWS_S3_Bucket\" : \"files.mycoursewalk.com\"}", "error_code"=>"1", "error_message"=>"", "status"=>"error", "headers"=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "User-Agent"=>"Mozilla-5.0 (ANDROID; Google generic_x86_arm; 11)", "cache-control"=>"max-age=0", "cf-cache-status"=>"DYNAMIC", "cf-ray"=>"5e6bae33085402e7-IAD", "cf-request-id"=>"05f72b33e4000002e77b25c000000001", "connection"=>"keep-alive", "content-encoding"=>"gzip", "content-type"=>"application/json", "date"=>"Fri, 23 Oct 2020 13:07:20 GMT", "expect-ct"=>"max-age=604800, report-uri=\"https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct\"", "expires"=>"Fri, 23 Oct 2020 13:07:20 GMT", "last-modified"=>"Sun, 11 Oct 2020 13:47:57 GMT", "nel"=>"{\"report_to\":\"cf-nel\",\"max_age\":604800}", "report-to"=>"{\"endpoints\":[{\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\\/report?lkg-colo=16&lkg-time=1603458440\"}],\"group\":\"cf-nel\",\"max_age\":604800}", "server"=>"cloudflare", "set-cookie"=>"__cfduid=d9276fe70f1097f5b95551956616c7efd1603458440; expires=Sun, 22-Nov-20 13:07:20 GMT; path=/; domain=.coursewalkapp.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax", "transfer-encoding"=>"chunked"}}
2020-10-23 09:07:49.890 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:890 baf271e0           HttpServer| GC Start.
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| => Send headers (209 bytes): POST /app/Settings/httpget_callback HTTP/1.1
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 43
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| => Send data (43 bytes): __rho_object[__rho_inline]=0&rho_callback=1
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (47 bytes): upload completely sent off: 43 out of 43 bytes
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (17 bytes): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (37 bytes): Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 09:07:49 GMT
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (40 bytes): Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (19 bytes): Content-Length: 0
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (19 bytes): Connection: close
2020-10-23 09:07:49.895 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (18 bytes): Pragma: no-cache
2020-10-23 09:07:49.896 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:895 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (32 bytes): Cache-Control: must-revalidate
2020-10-23 09:07:49.896 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:896 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (25 bytes): Cache-Control: no-cache
2020-10-23 09:07:49.896 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:896 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (25 bytes): Cache-Control: no-store
2020-10-23 09:07:49.896 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:896 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (12 bytes): Expires: 0
2020-10-23 09:07:49.896 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:896 bba421e0                  Net| <= Recv headers (2 bytes): 
2020-10-23 09:07:49.896 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:896 bba421e0                  Net| == Info (21 bytes): Closing connection 0
2020-10-23 09:07:49.898 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:898 bba421e0              Network| ThreadQueue blocked for 4294967295 seconds...
2020-10-23 09:07:49.898 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:898 bba421e0              Network| ThreadQueue blocked for 4294967295 seconds...
2020-10-23 09:07:49.899 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:07:49:899 baf271e0           HttpServer| GC End.
2020-10-23 09:09:22.526 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:526 ed41f478    RhodesApplication| Inside runwhen before return
2020-10-23 09:09:22.547 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:547 ed41f478        RhodesService| Exit application
2020-10-23 09:09:22.549 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:549 ed41f478                  Net| == Info (22 bytes):   Trying
2020-10-23 09:09:22.551 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:551 ed41f478                  Net| == Info (51 bytes): Connected to ( port 33943 (#0)
2020-10-23 09:09:22.552 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:552 ed41f478                  Net| => Send headers (128 bytes): GET /system/uidestroyed HTTP/1.1
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
    Connection: Keep-Alive
2020-10-23 09:09:22.552 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:552 baf271e0           HttpServer| Process URI: '/system/uidestroyed'
2020-10-23 09:09:22.552 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:552 baf271e0                  APP| AppEvent UIDestroyed
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (17 bytes): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (23 bytes): Host:
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (19 bytes): Connection: close
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (32 bytes): Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (19 bytes): Content-Length: 0
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (18 bytes): Pragma: no-cache
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (25 bytes): Cache-Control: no-cache
2020-10-23 09:09:22.553 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (12 bytes): Expires: 0
2020-10-23 09:09:22.554 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:553 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (37 bytes): Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 09:09:22 GMT
2020-10-23 09:09:22.554 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:554 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (46 bytes): Last-Modified: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 09:09:22 GMT
2020-10-23 09:09:22.554 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:554 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (20 bytes): Etag: "5f92d602.0"
2020-10-23 09:09:22.554 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:554 ed41f478                  Net| <= Recv headers (2 bytes): 
2020-10-23 09:09:22.554 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:554 ed41f478                  Net| == Info (21 bytes): Closing connection 0
2020-10-23 09:09:22.556 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:556 ed41f478    RhodesApplication| New UiState: MainActivityPaused
2020-10-23 09:09:22.556 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:556 ed41f478        RhodesService| stop RhodesService
2020-10-23 09:09:22.558 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:22:558 ed41f478        RhodesService| stop RhodesApplication
2020-10-23 09:09:22.860 5092-5133/com.rhomobile.rms7211 D/OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xe68231f0 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0xbbcd0690
2020-10-23 09:09:23.061 5092-5208/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:23:061 bb0281e0         AppCallbacks| Thread shutdown
2020-10-23 09:09:23.062 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:23:062 ed41f478           HttpServer| Stopping server...
2020-10-23 09:09:23.064 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:23:064 baf271e0            RhodesApp| RhodesApp thread shutdown
2020-10-23 09:09:23.064 5092-5377/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:23:064 bba421e0              Network| Thread shutdown
2020-10-23 09:09:23.066 5092-5209/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:23:066 baf271e0          GeoLocation| Destroying singleton instance.
2020-10-23 09:09:23.096 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/Process: Sending signal. PID: 5092 SIG: 3
2020-10-23 09:09:23.097 5092-5108/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/omobile.rms721: Thread[6,tid=5108,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xdee82a10,peer=0x130824d0,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3
2020-10-23 09:09:23.101 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/23/2020 09:09:23:101 ed41f478    RhodesApplication| New UiState: MainActivityPaused
2020-10-23 09:09:23.448 5092-5108/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/omobile.rms721: Wrote stack traces to tombstoned
2020-10-23 09:09:23.600 5092-5092/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/Process: Sending signal. PID: 5092 SIG: 9
nhinze commented 3 years ago

@akaquazzar when I run your APK I get the following in the log. The data is downloaded, but the callback is only initiated after the request times out. I'm assuming this is not happening on your side?

2020-10-25 12:34:48.480 4561-4561/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:48:480 f2066478     WebViewSingleton| onNavigateComplete <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2020-10-25 12:34:48.609 4561-4583/com.rhomobile.rms7211 D/OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xeb48ebb0 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0xc1ab6230
2020-10-25 12:34:49.535 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:535 bb0bc1e0              rho_ssl| rho_ssl_connect
2020-10-25 12:34:49.535 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:535 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| SSL connect to www.coursewalkapp.com:443
2020-10-25 12:34:49.535 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:535 bb0bc1e0        RhoSocketImpl| New socket wrapper. fd: 128, host:, port: 443
2020-10-25 12:34:49.535 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 W/omobile.rms721: Accessing hidden field Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;->descriptor:I (greylist, JNI, allowed)
2020-10-25 12:34:49.536 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:536 bb0bc1e0        RhoSocketImpl| create
2020-10-25 12:34:49.536 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:536 bb0bc1e0        RhoSocketImpl| connect3
2020-10-25 12:34:49.536 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:536 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| Creating secure SSL factory
2020-10-25 12:34:49.536 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:536 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for system certificates
2020-10-25 12:34:49.537 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:537 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| Loading all SSL certificates from config
2020-10-25 12:34:49.537 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:537 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| SSL certificates loaded: 0
2020-10-25 12:34:49.537 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:537 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| Creating TrustManager for custom certificates
2020-10-25 12:34:49.537 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:537 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| clientSSLCertificate is 
2020-10-25 12:34:49.539 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:34:49:539 bb0bc1e0          SSLImplJava| Secure SSL factory initialization completed
2020-10-25 12:34:49.541 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:541 bb0bc1e0        RhoSocketImpl| getOutputStream
2020-10-25 12:34:49.541 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:541 bb0bc1e0        RhoSocketImpl| getInputStream
2020-10-25 12:34:49.649 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:649 bb0bc1e0              rho_ssl| rho_ssl_send
2020-10-25 12:34:49.649 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:649 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:49.887 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:887 bb0bc1e0              rho_ssl| rho_ssl_recv
2020-10-25 12:34:49.888 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:887 bb0bc1e0                  Net| RESPONSE----- (0 bytes)
2020-10-25 12:34:49.888 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:888 bb0bc1e0                  Net| 
2020-10-25 12:34:49.888 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:888 bb0bc1e0                  Net| END RESPONSE-----
2020-10-25 12:34:49.888 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:888 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::getResponseCode - Status code: 200
2020-10-25 12:34:49.888 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:888 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2020-10-25 12:34:49.888 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:888 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 16:34:50 GMT
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Content-Type: application/json
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Connection: keep-alive
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Set-Cookie: __cfduid=d9f0e94da6af75b6a53f330057f3e07f41603643690; expires=Tue, 24-Nov-20 16:34:50 GMT; path=/; domain=.coursewalkapp.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Last-Modified: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 13:47:57 GMT
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Cache-Control: max-age=0
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Expires: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 16:34:50 GMT
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: CF-Cache-Status: DYNAMIC
2020-10-25 12:34:49.889 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: cf-request-id: 060235e5800000ea3844ae7000000001
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:889 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Report-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report?lkg-colo=16&lkg-time=1603643691"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: NEL: {"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Server: cloudflare
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: CF-RAY: 5e7d58e8cc8dea38-IAD
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: Content-Encoding: gzip
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received header: 
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Received 169 bytes
2020-10-25 12:34:49.890 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:49:890 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:50.892 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:50:892 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:50.892 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:50:892 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:51.894 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:51:894 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:51.894 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:51:894 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:52.896 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:52:896 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:52.896 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:52:896 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:53.898 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:53:898 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:53.898 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:53:898 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:54.900 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:54:900 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:54.900 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:54:900 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:55.901 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:55:901 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:55.902 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:55:901 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:56.903 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:56:903 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:56.903 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:56:903 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:57.905 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:57:905 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:57.905 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:57:905 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:58.907 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:58:907 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:58.908 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:58:907 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:34:59.910 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:59:910 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:34:59.911 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:34:59:911 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:00.912 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:00:912 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:00.912 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:00:912 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:01.914 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:01:914 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:01.914 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:01:914 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:02.916 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:02:916 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:02.916 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:02:916 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:03.918 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:03:918 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:03.919 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:03:919 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:04.922 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:04:922 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:04.922 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:04:922 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:05.925 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:05:925 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:05.925 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:05:925 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:06.928 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:06:928 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:06.928 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:06:928 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:07.930 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:07:930 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:07.930 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:07:930 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:08.932 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:08:932 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:08.932 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:08:932 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:09.936 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:09:936 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:09.936 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:09:936 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:10.938 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:10:938 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:10.939 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:10:939 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:11.942 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:11:941 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:11.942 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:11:942 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:12.943 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:12:943 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:12.944 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:12:943 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:13.946 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:13:946 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:13.946 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:13:946 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:14.948 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:14:948 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:14.949 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:14:949 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:15.950 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:15:950 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:15.950 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:15:950 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:16.954 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:16:954 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:16.954 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:16:954 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:17.956 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:17:956 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:17.956 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:17:956 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:18.958 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:18:958 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:18.958 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:18:958 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.960 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:960 bb0bc1e0                  Net| No activity on sockets, check them again
2020-10-25 12:35:19.960 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: E 10/25/2020 12:35:19:960 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Operation finished with error 28: Timeout was reached
2020-10-25 12:35:19.961 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: E 10/25/2020 12:35:19:960 bb0bc1e0                  Net|   CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [GET] URL = [https://www.coursewalkapp.com/cwapp_version.json] BODY = []
2020-10-25 12:35:19.961 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:961 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Deactivate CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [GET] URL = [https://www.coursewalkapp.com/cwapp_version.json] BODY = []
2020-10-25 12:35:19.961 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:961 bb0bc1e0              rho_ssl| rho_ssl_shutdown
2020-10-25 12:35:19.961 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:961 bb0bc1e0              SSLImpl| shutdown
2020-10-25 12:35:19.963 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:963 bb0bc1e0        RhoSocketImpl| close
2020-10-25 12:35:19.964 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:964 bb0bc1e0              rho_ssl| rho_ssl_free_storage
2020-10-25 12:35:19.964 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:964 bb0bc1e0                  Net|      Deactivation is DONE
2020-10-25 12:35:19.964 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:964 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::doPull - Status code: 200, response size: 169
2020-10-25 12:35:19.964 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:964 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Connection was closed by timeout, but we have part of data received; try to restore connection
2020-10-25 12:35:19.964 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:964 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::makeResponse - nErrorCode: -1
2020-10-25 12:35:19.965 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: E 10/25/2020 12:35:19:964 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::doRequest: {"Apple" : "", "Android" : "", "Apple2" : "", "Android2" : "", "Dressage" : 63, "LiveScores" : 3, "AWS_S3_Bucket" : "files.mycoursewalk.com"}
2020-10-25 12:35:19.965 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:965 bb0bc1e0            RhodesApp| Call back URL:
2020-10-25 12:35:19.966 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:966 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Setting auth data for request: Method: 0, user: <SECRET>, password: <SECRET>
2020-10-25 12:35:19.966 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:966 bb0bc1e0                  Net|    Activate CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [POST] URL = [] BODY = [__rho_object[__rho_inline]=0&rho_callback=1]
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:967 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Connection accepted, process it...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Receiving request...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bb0bc1e0                  Net| we still have active transfers but no data ready at this moment; waiting...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Read portion of data from socket...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Actually read 252 bytes
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Read portion of data from socket...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| RECV ERROR: 11
2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Received request:
    POST /app/Settings/httpget_callback HTTP/1.1
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 43

2020-10-25 12:35:19.968 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Process URI: '/app/Settings/httpget_callback'
2020-10-25 12:35:19.969 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:968 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Decide what to do with uri /app/Settings/httpget_callback
2020-10-25 12:35:19.969 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:969 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Uri /app/Settings/httpget_callback is correct route, so enable MVC logic
2020-10-25 12:35:19.970 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:969 bfc701e0                  APP| RHO serve: /app/Settings/httpget_callback
2020-10-25 12:35:19.970 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:970 bfc701e0 CRubyResultConvertor| getString()
2020-10-25 12:35:19.970 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:970 bfc701e0 CRubyResultConvertor| getString(): /data/user/0/com.rhomobile.rms7211/rhodata/apps/app/Settings/
2020-10-25 12:35:19.970 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:970 bfc701e0 CRubyResultConvertor| getString(): create string
2020-10-25 12:35:19.971 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:971 bfc701e0                  APP| Params: {"__rho_object"=>{"__rho_inline"=>"0"}, "rho_callback"=>"1"}
2020-10-25 12:35:19.972 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:972 bfc701e0 CRubyResultConvertor| getString()
2020-10-25 12:35:19.972 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:972 bfc701e0 CRubyResultConvertor| getString(): ANDROID
2020-10-25 12:35:19.972 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:972 bfc701e0 CRubyResultConvertor| getString(): create string
2020-10-25 12:35:19.972 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:972 bfc701e0              RhoRuby| HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 12:35:19 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: close
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-store
    Expires: 0
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Sent response (only headers displayed):
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 12:35:19 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: close
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-store
    Expires: 0
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Operation completed successfully with result 0: No error
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Close connected socket
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bfc701e0           HttpServer| GC Start.
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bb0bc1e0                  Net| Deactivate CURLNetRequest: METHOD = [POST] URL = [] BODY = [__rho_object[__rho_inline]=0&rho_callback=1]
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bb0bc1e0                  Net|      Deactivation is DONE
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::doPull - Status code: 200, response size: 0
2020-10-25 12:35:19.973 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:973 bb0bc1e0                  Net| RESPONSE----- (0 bytes)
2020-10-25 12:35:19.974 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:974 bb0bc1e0                  Net| 
2020-10-25 12:35:19.974 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:974 bb0bc1e0                  Net| END RESPONSE-----
2020-10-25 12:35:19.974 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:974 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::getResponseCode - Status code: 200
2020-10-25 12:35:19.974 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:974 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::makeResponse - nErrorCode: 200
2020-10-25 12:35:19.974 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: E 10/25/2020 12:35:19:974 bb0bc1e0                  Net| CURLNetRequest::doRequest: 
2020-10-25 12:35:19.976 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:976 bb0bc1e0              Network| ThreadQueue blocked for 4294967295 seconds...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.976 4561-4707/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:976 bb0bc1e0              Network| ThreadQueue blocked for 4294967295 seconds...
2020-10-25 12:35:19.979 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:979 bfc701e0               RubyGC| GC Started.Profile report:
2020-10-25 12:35:19.979 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:979 bfc701e0               RubyGC| --profile eof--
2020-10-25 12:35:19.979 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: I 10/25/2020 12:35:19:979 bfc701e0           HttpServer| GC End.
2020-10-25 12:35:19.979 4561-4658/com.rhomobile.rms7211 I/APP: T 10/25/2020 12:35:19:979 bfc701e0           HttpServer| Waiting for connections: 0.0...
nhinze commented 3 years ago

I tested the latest android30 branch with the new SSL fixes. It works! Thanks!

nhinze commented 3 years ago

New problem: when compiling for release with:

rake device:android:production

the "abis" settings in build.yml are ignored. My APK contains the following abis after compiling for production:


Google Developer console complains that the 64bit requirement is not satisfied for x86. However, I have x86 comment out in build.yml.

  minSDK: 30
  targetSDK: 30
  android_title: 0
  manifest_template: "AndroidManifest.erb"
    - arm
    - aarch64
#    - x86
  version: "11.0"
akaquazzar commented 3 years ago

Use last version android30. This problem fixed.

akaquazzar commented 3 years ago

First, clean up your build.

alex-epifanoff commented 3 years ago

merged in 7.3.0.dev8 (master) https://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes/pull/1059