rhomobile / rhoelements-issues

Issues area for RhoElements
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Finger scroll on select field #79

Closed heyheysay closed 10 years ago

heyheysay commented 10 years ago

I’m having an issue getting scrolling to work with our Shared Runtime (WM 6.5.3 mc9290 Rho4.1).

When you run the attached temp.html page in Rho. The “Status” select option displays fine but you cannot scroll down or up the list without using the scroll bar. They would like to move up and down the list by moving the pen/finder up or down in the options field.

This works the way they want IE and SPB.

darryncampbell commented 10 years ago

This is being tracked by our Webkit supplier under https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/69448250