rht-labs / enablement-docs

Collection of Enablement material for Red Hat Open Innovation Labs
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Use GH Actions to Publish Docs #529

Open tylerauerbeck opened 4 years ago

tylerauerbeck commented 4 years ago

Right now we have to remember to manually publish our changes after merging in changes to the exercises. Before we head down the path of full-fledged CICD, do we think it would be beneficial to at least have a minimal GH action that publishes our changes after merges? There's a handful of examples and should cost little effort to get this in place.

eformat commented 3 years ago

I also like serving the docs locally in the cluster. You can


oc new-project enablement-docs
oc new-app quay.io/eformat/docsify-enablement:4.6 --as-deployment-config=true
oc expose dc/docsify-enablement --port=8080
oc create route edge docsify-enablement --service=docsify-enablement --port=8080 --hostname=enablement-docs.apps.dpc.apac-1.rht-labs.com
oc patch dc/docsify-enablement -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"docsify-enablement","imagePullPolicy":"Always"}]}}}}'
oc scale dc/docsify-enablement --replicas=2
# make changes
cd ~/git/enablement-docs
make podman-push
oc tag quay.io/eformat/docsify-enablement:4.6 enablement-docs/docsify-enablement:4.6