Closed Aaqib041 closed 4 years ago
Hi Team,
Can someone please address the issue ?
This repository is deprecated and the current implementation can be found here:
@Aaqib041 You have to update the python-scripts according to this change:
@InfoSec812 In my opinion this issue still exists in the current implementation.
@StephGit As mentioned previously, this repo is deprecated. If there is a problem, please open an issue in the new repo:
Hi ,
I am getting below error while running owasp-zap-scan . I am using the Dockerfile from your repo to create image.
Error :
2020-07-29 07:32:12,919 Passive scanning complete 2020-07-29 07:32:12,919 Unexpected error: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/zap/", line 337, in main num_urls = len(zap.core.urls) TypeError: object of type 'instancemethod' has no len() 2020-07-29 07:32:12,920 Failed to find zap_log /zap/zap.out ERROR <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Command run :
stage('Scan Web Application') { def owasp_config_dir = "configFiles/owasp-zap-scan/" sh """ cd ${owasp_config_dir} cp baseline-scan.conf /zap/wrk/ /zap/ -d -m 5 -r baseline.html -c baseline-scan.conf -t
publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false, keepAll: true, reportDir: '/zap/wrk/', reportFiles: 'baseline.html', reportName: 'Zaproxy_Report', reportTitles: ''])