This PR has been rebased on the updated version of rhc-ose with the changes requested in PR 152
The screen shots have not been updated but the Docker section is now set to warning
What does this PR do?
This pull request adds 2 class files and one executable script which test for the following
tests to ensure ssh keys exist from ansible host to all OSE hosts in the ansible host file
checks to see if SELinux is enabled
checks forward and reverse dns lookups
checks to see if the docker files have been modified from their defaults
checks to see if docker is enabled and running
checks to see if the host is properly subscribed
ensures the correct repos are available
checks to see that all of the OSE required packages are installed
checks to see if there are updates available in general for the system
How should this be manually tested?
It has standard python usage help
[root@lb00 OSE_Setup]# time ./ -h
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify location of ansible hostfile
Toggle whether or not to show the sha sum of fileson
remote host
This script is an audit only and will not do any changes on its own. It can be
run like so:
This PR has been rebased on the updated version of rhc-ose with the changes requested in PR 152
The screen shots have not been updated but the Docker section is now set to warning
What does this PR do?
This pull request adds 2 class files and one executable script which test for the following
How should this be manually tested?
It has standard python usage help
This script is an audit only and will not do any changes on its own. It can be run like so:
show_shaw_sums is optional and can be omitted. ansible-host-file is required and the script will terminate if no host file is specified.
The script uses the following colourization schemes for more readable output.
The script expects to parse an ansible host file or a text file with a list of fqdns
Sample output:
Is there a relevant Issue open for this?
Open trello card:
Who would you like to review this?
/cc @etsauer @JaredBurck