rhummelmose / BluetoothKit

Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
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Background scanning #74

Open dorucazan opened 7 years ago

dorucazan commented 7 years ago

Hi, I tested BluetoothKit background scanning and I could not make it work. The issue I have encountered is that scanContinuouslyWithChangeHandler actually scans for 3 seconds, pauses for inBetweenDelay of 3 seconds and starts again. Scanning and pause interval are implemented using timers that do not work in background with phone locked. Info.plist has correct keys since after changes I have made it worked as expected. In BKScanner.swift I have cloned scanWithDuration function with different name and did not initialised durationTimer. Then I used new function when/where needed (several other changes had to be made to original code). However I appreciate all help since BluetoothKit is very good library and I didn't had to write all the code myself (-:

rhummelmose commented 7 years ago


I don't think it is possible to scan in the background like this. If you need this kind of functionality you will have to use Apple's CoreBluetooth functionality that allows for waking up an app when a connection to a peripheral is restored.