rhummelmose / BluetoothKit

Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
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About More Then one BKPeripheral #96

Closed Maverick1000 closed 5 years ago

Maverick1000 commented 5 years ago

I am able to get two iPhones to talk over blue tooth using your framework. In second application I have added two classes of BKPeripheral with the same serviceUUID and characteristicUUID to match what is in the application that has BKCentral. The second class of BKPeripheral I change the localName to something else.

When running the application that has BKCentral the scanContinuouslyWithChangeHandler i shows that discoveries has only one BKPeripheral listed, but at one point it the count value of discoveries did show 2 in the console window.

Not sure what I am doing wrong that would cause BKCentral not to see more then on BKPeripheral for the same serviceUUID and characteristicUUID, unless your framework is not setup for detect more one blue tooth characteristic of a BKPeripheral. Other I am not when it come to a characteristic of a BKPeripheral, in the contests of a iPhone would characteristic of a BKPeripheral be list of functions name, variable that get sent back to the BKCentral when it ask for it.