rhysd / actionlint

:octocat: Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
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Add several google-github-actions etc to generate-popular-actions list #380

Closed jmarshall closed 3 months ago

jmarshall commented 6 months ago

For your consideration, this adds several probably commonly used actions to the list of known actions.

In particular, it was common to use service_account_key with google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0 to do simple token-via-a-secret authentication. However google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v1 ignores this option and wants that style of authentication to be expressed in a different way. So for people updating workflows that use setup-gcloud, it's very useful for actionlint to detect the error that will result from just applying s/@v0/@v1/.

We use setup-gcloud and auth ourselves; the four I've added here are the most fundamental-looking of the google-github-actions organisation's pinned actions repositories.

I've taken the liberty of also adding pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish as it is important in the Python ecosystem, and pulumi/actions for those using this deployment tool. Those could certainly be dropped from this PR if you didn't want to bloat the popular list with them.