rhysd / vim-grammarous

A powerful grammar checker for Vim using LanguageTool.
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Error when applying fix to last error in file #109

Open DanRoscigno opened 1 year ago

DanRoscigno commented 1 year ago

Thanks for Grammarous, I really like using it. When I am working in a file and applying the recommended fixes the final fix causes an error:

Error detected while processing function grammarous#info_win#action_fixit[1]
..grammarous#fixit[27]..function grammarous#info_win#action_fixit[1]..gramma
ursorMoved Autocommands for "<buffer=1>"..function <SNR>52_do_auto_preview[1
line    1:                                                                  
E242: Can't split a window while closing another 

This happens whether I am applying the fix from the window where my text is, or if I am in the Grammarous info window. When I am in the window where my text is, I am using grammarous-fixit, and if I switch to the Grammarous info window I am using f.

Note: The fix is applied, and a few :q commands gets me out of vi and everything is fine.

kikofmas commented 8 months ago

I am encountering the same issue, did you manage to fix it?

DanRoscigno commented 8 months ago

Hi @kikofmas I didn't. I am now using this config:

-- configure ltex-ls
require 'ltex-ls'.setup {
  on_attach = on_attach,
  capabilities = capabilities,
  use_spellfile = false,
  filetypes = { "latex", "tex", "bib", "markdown", "gitcommit", "text" },
  settings = {
    ltex = {
      enabled = { "latex", "tex", "bib", "markdown", },
      language = "en",
      diagnosticSeverity = "information",
      sentenceCacheSize = 2000,
      additionalRules = {
        -- download ngrams from
        -- https://dev.languagetool.org/finding-errors-using-n-gram-data.html
        languageModel = '~/ngrams/',
        enablePickyRules = true,
        motherTongue = "en",
      disabledRules = {
        en = { "EN_QUOTES" }
      dictionary = (function()
        ---- For dictionary, search for files in the runtime to have
        ---- and include them as externals the format for them is
        ---- dict/{LANG}.txt
        ---- Also add dict/default.txt to all of them
        local files = {}
        for _, file in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("dict/*", true)) do
          local lang = vim.fn.fnamemodify(file, ":t:r")
          local fullpath = vim.fs.normalize(file, ":p")
          files[lang] = { ":" .. fullpath }
        if files.default then
          for lang, _ in pairs(files) do
            if lang ~= "default" then
              vim.list_extend(files[lang], files.default)
          files.default = nil
        return files
kikofmas commented 8 months ago

Hi @DanRoscigno, thank you for your reply! Unfortunately, it didn't have the exact functionality I wanted. So I did create a fork to fix this and other issues I found. I managed to fix them, here's the link if you feel like checking it out: https://github.com/kikofmas/grammarous.nvim

The goal is to transition it to Lua as a way for me to learn both vim script and Lua.

DanRoscigno commented 8 months ago

Thanks @kikofmas , I may give it a try. Unfortunately my team uses VS Code, so I am trying to use that to be in sync with the rest of the team, so neovim does not get much use by me lately :(