rhysmorgan134 / react-carplay

MIT License
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Possibility to add physical buttons through GPIO for next, prev, and pause #44

Open Nickelpick12 opened 8 months ago

Nickelpick12 commented 8 months ago

Hello, I want to add buttons for the next song, previous song, play/pause, etc to my steering wheel. Is it possible to trigger these events through signals from the GPIO pins? I believe issue #16 refers to this but only refers to keyboard inputs, not GPIO inputs.

Thanks for everything -Nik

rhysmorgan134 commented 8 months ago

I've just implemented configurable key bindings from the gui now - https://github.com/rhysmorgan134/react-carplay/releases/tag/v4.0.0-beta.4

I will look to add GPIO when it's out of beta!