rhysmorgan134 / react-carplay

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Carlinkit CPC200-U2W-Plus & Raspberry Pi 3B Compatible? #55

Closed Dane150 closed 7 months ago

Dane150 commented 7 months ago

Thank you in advance for this amazing application.

I'm running a raspberry pi 3B, Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) and a CPC200-U2W-Plus carlinkit dongle. Do you know if these two are compatible?

I've tried running the application and get a blank screen which shows 4 tabs at the top of a phone, setting, info, and exit button. I followed your installation instructions and everything downloaded correctly but I cannot get it to go past the electron screen.

I've plugged in the dongle and pressed the "Plug-In Carplay Dongle and Press" button with no reaction. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Dane150 commented 7 months ago

Wanted to add that I realize the dongle I have is incorrect according to several other threads. I'm a bit of a new learner when it comes to linux based systems and am working on learning as much as possible. See issue #20 for a solution to my original issue.

The next issue I'm having is selecting the correct dongle as I don't want to make the same mistake again.

I am trying to connect an iPhone 8+ and realize, is there a dongle that works with Apple products? It seems all I can find are for Android. Would this be the correct one? https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-CarPlay-Adapter-Android-Aftermarket/dp/B08ZS7B3PT?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1

Or would this work since it has apple carplay added into the title? https://www.amazon.com/CarlinKit-Wireless-CarPlay-Android-Upgrade/dp/B0BL1B87R1/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3G3HAGYOGW00Z&keywords=carlinkit+CCPW&qid=1700544432&s=electronics&sprefix=carlinkit+ccpw%2Celectronics%2C109&sr=1-5

Thank y'all for your help, it is much appreciated.

steelbrain commented 7 months ago

Hi @Dane150!

Please have a quick look at the README of node-carplay package to see what dongles would work for you: https://github.com/rhysmorgan134/node-CarPlay/#about-the-project -- Here's a quote

There are multiple Carplay dongles on the market, the ones that convert wired to wireless carplay WILL NOT WORK. You need one that converts android/factory infotainment systems into Carplay (CPC200-Autokit or CPC200-CCPA etc).

Dane150 commented 7 months ago

Hi @steelbrain! Thank you for this information I was able to purchase the correct dongle and it's worked albeit slower than I thought. It seems my power using a phone cord and wall brick aren't supplying enough voltage for the system to run properly. I'm gonna get that fixed and then I should be good to go!

Thank you @steelbrain and @rhysmorgan134 for your help. Now I'm off to model/3D print the head unit for my car. If I have any other issues I'll be sure to post them here for visibility.