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Raspberry pi and gstreamer #2

Open solonovamax opened 4 years ago

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

I had issues with getting gstreamer and a raspberry pi to work. After finally getting it to work, I could give you the details of my solution, so that you could add it to your blog for future people. If you want of course.

That blog post really helped me out with it and I'd like to help improve it.

(This is in reference to 2019-04-04-guide-to-h264-streaming-frc.md)

rianadon commented 4 years ago

Ooh awesome I would love more details to add! Please do share them.

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

I'll make a list of everything remember and try to make it organized. Since I left my rpi at robotics, I won't be able to test out anything I say. I'll try to make it as comprehensive as possible.

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

I wrote a quick gist on it here: https://gist.github.com/solonovamax/6f96a12de9c075cc4164a12b8abee8f0

Feel free to rewrite anything to your style. Also, if you have an rpi you should probably test this because I could have misremembered the steps due to it being a while ago that I did this.

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

Also, while doing more research about building, I think it may be possible to build with cerebro (the other build repo), though I can't do any tests on that.

rianadon commented 4 years ago

Sorry it's been a while since I've installed gstreamer on a raspi so I don't quite understand where these steps fit into the install process. Were you trying to install gstreamer1.0-qt5 explicitly? Or was this some requirement that popped up when trying to apt-get install gstreamer1.0-tools that made the command fail?

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the long response time,

When I was trying to install gstreamer, I was following the tutorial on their page. This included a list of packages to install, with the gstreamer1.0-qt5 package in it. If I remember correctly, without the qt5 package, it would not work for some of the pipelines. (actually, I think it was just missing the bad and ugly plugins. That could be because of the qt5 package, or something else.)

Since what I'm saying here is a lot of speculation, I'll actually try starting up a vm with the armhf architecture and installing it in there.

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

So, after spending a long time trying to figure out how to resize my virtual disk, because I don't have enough space to install packages, I've given up. I'm going to try this all out on my rpi when I get it back. (I'll just boot from a second card.)

solonovamax commented 4 years ago

Update: I have gotten back my raspberry pi from school and will now be working on reinstalling it, as it seems my install is broken. I'll update with steps when I get it working.