riazXrazor / udemy-dl

Nodejs script to download a udemy.com course, for personal offline use
282 stars 67 forks source link

Videos not downloading but pdfs and zips download fine #53

Closed webProtein closed 4 years ago

webProtein commented 5 years ago


On this one course, the videos do not download (come back as 0 size), but I get the x-mpegURL files in the directory.

Here's the start of the download. The first file is a PDF and it comes in fine. The second, and any other video, comes in as 0 size:

            _                                          _   _
  _   _    __| |   ___   _ __ ___    _   _            __| | | |
 | | | |  / _` |  / _ \ | '_ ` _ \  | | | |  _____   / _` | | |
 | |_| | | (_| | |  __/ | | | | | | | |_| | |_____| | (_| | | |
  \__,_|  \__,_|  \___| |_| |_| |_|  \__, |          \__,_| |_|
(node:22256) [DEP0106] DeprecationWarning: crypto.createDecipher is deprecated.

Chapter : 1 - Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart
File : App-Brewery-Flutter-Course-Syllabus.pdf
Location : D:\downloads\udemy\_courseDownload_RENAME_ME\1 - Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart\App-Brewery-Flutter-Course-Syllabus.pdf

    downloading [>>>>>>>>>>] 100% [87.34 KB]  TOTAL SIZE 87.34 KB / TIME REMAINING 00:00:00 ?

Chapter : 1 - Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart
Video : 1 - What is Flutter.x-mpegURL
Resolution : 1080p
Location : D:\downloads\udemy\_courseDownload_RENAME_ME\1 - Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart\1 - What is Flutter.x-mpegURL

    downloading [>>>>>>>>>>] 100% [0]  TOTAL SIZE 0 / TIME REMAINING 0 ?

Chapter : 1 - Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart
Video : 2 - Why Flutter.x-mpegURL
Resolution : 1080p
Location : D:\downloads\udemy\_courseDownload_RENAME_ME\1 - Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart\2 - Why Flutter.x-mpegURL

    downloading [>>>>>>>>>>] 100% [0]  TOTAL SIZE 0 / TIME REMAINING 0 ?

Attached are the x-mpegURL files: sample.zip

I should also mention that it takes quite a while for the download to get going - feels like a timeout of some kind (just guessing). I'd say about 30 seconds before it kicks in.

Also seems to be any of the courses I have (over 20), even the ones I successfully downloaded before.

Thanks a lot.

riazXrazor commented 4 years ago

you can try 2.0 i hv updated the codes, and see if the issue persists