ribault / CFT-Review

A review article on conformal field theory
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Add boundary conformal field theory #3

Open ribault opened 10 years ago

ribault commented 10 years ago

It could be interesting to include boundary conformal field theory in this review article. Some useful material can be taken from the following lecture notes:


blefloch commented 7 years ago

Bearing in mind that I have limited experience, it seems to me that the most illuminating point of view on the classification of branes is the annulus bootstrap giving Cardy's conditions.

  1. Compute the S-matrix. That's simply a Gaussian integral plus modularity of η.

  2. Require the existence of an identity brane such that an open string stretching between a pair of identity branes has as its single state the identity. The annulus partition function constrains the wavefunction Ψ_1(α) to obey Ψ_1(α)Ψ_1(Q-α) = S_1^α. The reflection coefficient relating Vα and V{Q-α} is known and gives the ratio Ψ_1(α) / Ψ_1(Q-α). That gives Ψ_1(α) up to a sign. By continuity in α that sign is constant and almost certainly a matter of convention fixed by the semiclassical limit.

  3. Cardy's condition for any other brane is that the open string spectrum between the identity and that brane has integer multiplicities. A basis of solutions is given by branes B such that the spectrum of 1—B strings is a single Virasoro representation. The annulus partition function tells us Ψ_μ(α) = Ψ_1(α) S_μ^α / S_1^α.

  4. Comment that that ratio of S-matrix elements is the effect of a Verlinde loop operator.

Of course it's still valuable to also discuss bootstrap. Presumably there should also be a part about boundary-changing operators. Sorry for the long-winded comment.

blefloch commented 7 years ago

Chatting with Joaquín uncovered a way that avoids the worry about why Ψ_1(α) / Ψ_1(Q-α) should give the reflection coefficient R(P). Let α=Q/2+iP. Restrict all integrals to P∈[0,∞). Then instead of Ψ_1(P)Ψ1(-P)=S{1P} we get Ψ_1(P) Ψ1(P) = S{1P} 〈PP〉 = S_{1P} R(P) and we're done.

ribault commented 7 years ago

Thank you @blefloch for the ideas on how to present boundary CFT. Let me use this opportunity for proposing a different approach.

Boundary CFT is a vast subject and may deserve a text of comparable length as the bulk story. Keeping the orginal idea to only deal with topologically trivial surfaces, the title could be "Conformal field theory on the disc".

Then I have to explain why the annulus and torus may not be fundamental. The reason is that the modular S-matrix is hard to define in theories with W algebras, because characters depend only on one variable and need not be linearly independent when representations have several parameters. Without the S-matrix, we however seem to lose interesting results such as the Verlinde formula. To avoid losing these results, we may replace the S-matrix with the disc one-point function (i.e. @blefloch's wavefunction). This quantity is not problematic in theories with W algebras. This one-point function could be the fundamental quantity in terms of which the S-matrix is expressed, rather than the other way around.

A drawback of this approach is that its motivation relies on W algebras, and such algebras are absent from the present text. However, it might make sense to introduce W algebras in boundary CFT only, given how poorly we understand conformal Toda theory in the bulk.