ribbons / RadioDownloader

An easy to use application for managing podcast subscriptions and downloads.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enable setting file type preferences in the Podcast Provider. #181

Open ribbons opened 11 years ago

ribbons commented 11 years ago

Original report from Chris Price at 13:54:01 on 2012-07-31

Not sure if this counts as a bug or an enhancement request.

rss url: http://blip.tv/chortle/rss/itunes

For each entry there are multiple file formats that can be downloaded (.m4v, .mpg, .mp4, .mp3).

Radio Downloader only downloads the first of these. I have no interest in any video files, and just want to downloaded the mp3.

I'd like there to someway of choosing the file type.

Alternatively, perhaps a provider option I can set telling it to never download a video podcast.

Keep up the good work...

Imported from Bug 683 in the NerdoftheHerd.com Bugzilla.

ribbons commented 11 years ago

Original comment from Matt Robinson at 17:20:38 on 2012-08-05

Probably an enhancement request really. Well spotted, I've not come across a podcast feed with multiple media files for each item in the feed - makes sense to offer a selection though.

Perhaps a good way of implementing this would be a list where you could add or set priorities for different file types.

ribbons commented 11 years ago

Original comment from Chris Price at 23:57:26 on 2013-04-05

I'm happy for you to close this bug. I could never work out what I would want Radio Downloader to do with this feed, so don't even know what I'm asking for.

This is the only feed of this type I've seen, and no other podcast software I've tried does any better. (They all download the Video version.)

In the end I managed to get Firenze (http://code.google.com/p/firenze/) to download only the mp3, but I needed help from it's author to set that up correctly.