ribbybibby / ssl_exporter

Exports Prometheus metrics for TLS certificates
Apache License 2.0
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The `log.level` flag has no effects since version 2.2.1 (#71) #75

Closed johanfleury closed 2 years ago

johanfleury commented 3 years ago

Since version 2.2.1 was released (with PR #71 of which I am the author), the log.level flag has no effects and all logs are printed regardless of there level

I can’t figure out where the issue is and I can’t reproduce with this simple test code:

package main

import (
    promlogflag "github.com/prometheus/common/promlog/flag"

func main() {
    promlogConfig := promlog.Config{}

    promlogflag.AddFlags(kingpin.CommandLine, &promlogConfig)

    logger := promlog.New(&promlogConfig)


func foo(logger log.Logger) {
    level.Error(logger).Log("msg", "error")
    level.Info(logger).Log("msg", "info")
    level.Debug(logger).Log("msg", "debug")

promlogConfig.Level is correctly set to the log level passed on the command line (or info by default).

Adding level.NewFilter(logger, level.AllowInfo()) after line 129 in ssl_exporter.go seems to work and correctly filter debug messages, but setting the promlog.Config manually also has no effect:

    allowedLevel := promlog.AllowedLevel{}

    promlogConfig = promlog.Config{
        Level: &allowedLevel,

    logger := promlog.New(&promlogConfig)

Any idea with this happens in ssl_exporter?