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normalisation suppressed if 1 entity is missing :id #25

Open stevebuik opened 2 years ago

stevebuik commented 2 years ago

this works as expected

(->> {:id   "100"
            :name "Steve"
            :cars [{:id          "123"
                    :name        "Audi"}
                    :id          "124" ; <<<<< comment/remove this line
                    :name        "Ford"}
                   {:id          "125"
                    :name        "Tesla"}]}

but if one of the cars has no id, the none of the cars are normalised.

is this intentional?

it would be better for dev/debug if the valid cars were still normalised.

maybe a log msg could indicate that one was skipped? not sure how log tooling works and if that's something you consider desirable?