ricardoalcocer / actionbarextras

Titanium Android Native Module that exposes ActionBar features not exposed by the Titanium SDK
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Can't setHomeAsUpIcon in 1.3.6 using Alloy MVC #68

Closed IvoPereira closed 9 years ago

IvoPereira commented 9 years ago


I'm using Alloy MVC, and inside of one of my controllers, I'm using the following:

$.win.addEventListener("open", function() {

    if (Ti.Platform.osname === "android") {
        if (!$.win.activity) {
            Ti.API.error("Can't access action bar on a lightweight window.");
        } else {
            var abx = require('com.alcoapps.actionbarextras');
            abx.window = $.win;

            actionBar = $.win.activity.actionBar;
            if (actionBar) {


I do have an image in /PROJECT_NAME/app/assets/images/icon_menu.png, and my controller is located in /PROJECT_NAME/app/controllers/example.js.

Just to note that all the others images for example in Titanium ImageViews load fine, using the same schema.

When starting my application, the title do change to "Example", however the homeAsUpIcon does not change and an error is shown in console:

[ERROR] ActionbarextrasModule: (main) [273,11626] Couldn't resolve appdata-private://PROJECT_NAME/android/images//icon_menu.png

I've already tried to play with slashes and some folder derivations in icon location, but I am not being able to get it work. Is it possible this is a bug in the module?


manumaticx commented 9 years ago

Hi @IvoPereira

Are you using Titanium 4.0.X ?

Maybe it's a bug. Your code looks good. I wonder if providing a density-independent image resource would solve this because the same thing is working in the example. I'd need to change how to resolve the image then. Could be worth a try.

IvoPereira commented 9 years ago

Hello @manumaticx,

I'm using Titanium Studio v. and Titanium SDK 3.5.1.GA.

I'm testing on a 4.2.2 device.

That snippet is working in the example, however the example does not use MVC and its folder structure (controllers, models, views), and is only based in an app.js file at root. Possibly may be that related to the problem locating the files?

As soon as I get office I will try with some density-independent image resources, and I'll let you know the result.


manumaticx commented 9 years ago

There shouldn't be a difference when using Alloy because Alloy creates a classic project with the same folder structure.

I've just tested an fixed-density image and I do get the same error: ActionbarextrasModule: (main) [2,3204] Couldn't resolve /images/icon_menu.png

I recommend you using res-mdpi, res-hdpi, res-xhdpi, res-xxhdpi resources for icons. This will solve your issue.

But I also will try to resolve resources within the /images/ directory.

IvoPereira commented 9 years ago

Hey @manumaticx,

Thanks for the feedback. I was trying to follow your suggestion, so I've put the image inside all of the folders you mentioned, using the path: /PROJECT_NAME/app/assets/images/res-hdpi /PROJECT_NAME/app/assets/images/res-mdpi /PROJECT_NAME/app/assets/images/res-xhdpi /PROJECT_NAME/app/assets/images/res-xxhdpi

However, it seemed to change something in the location where it was looking for the file, but it was still not able to find it (and the files were moved to Resources folder as expected).

Couldn't resolve

manumaticx commented 9 years ago

Hm, I'm not sure what's going on here!

I've just created a fresh new Alloy app with Titanium 3.5.1.GA and ABX 1.6.3 to test this. But I am not able to reproduce this error.

The resource path in your log is also very strange. It should actually log the path that was passed to setHomeAsUpIcon, not the resolved path. I will have to do some more testing in order to fix this. Hopefully I can come up with a solution here.

If you find anything that could help me to find the reason for this, please let me know.

IvoPereira commented 9 years ago

I'll be happy to assist you debugging the problem @manumaticx.

I've tried with a live device LG-G2 using Ti-Shadow (and without it - through TitaniumStudio directly).

The image I'm using is this one: http://i.imgur.com/AR7zIc8.png

Let me know if you need anything else.

ndastur commented 9 years ago

@manumaticx strange but I get a similar error

[ERROR] ActionbarextrasModule: (main) [1441,2453] Couldn't resolve ic_menu_black_24dp.png

and the ic_menu_black_24dp.png is in app/assets/android. Also tried with a / prefix and still not found

manumaticx commented 9 years ago

@ndastur as stated in the above comment I'd recommend using res-mdpi, res-hdpi, res-xhdpi, res-xxhdpi - this probably solves the error

ndastur commented 9 years ago

@manumaticx thanks. I have been looking into the code and I think it is because you are using the getResourceId helper function. Looking deeper into the Appc source this seems to be a deeper level function.

Looking at how Appc resolve the setIcon in their actionbar implementation https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/blob/master/android/titanium/src/java/org/appcelerator/titanium/proxy/ActionBarProxy.java I think some higher level SDK helper function is required.

ndastur commented 9 years ago

Specific bit of code that might help is

private Drawable getDrawableFromUrl(String url)
        TiUrl imageUrl = new TiUrl((String) url);
        TiFileHelper tfh = new TiFileHelper(TiApplication.getInstance());
        return tfh.loadDrawable(imageUrl.resolve(), false);
manumaticx commented 9 years ago

@ndastur Thank you for this. Do you think there is a chance that you could build the module and test this?

ChanakyaSrinivas commented 9 years ago

Unable to setHomeAsUpIcon with titanium 4.0.X

Can any one help me out.

manumaticx commented 9 years ago

@ChanakyaSrinivas Hi there, I need some more info! This is not considered as a bug until you instruct me how to reproduce the issue.

ChanakyaSrinivas commented 9 years ago

Environments: Tiatanium sdk 4.1.0 MVC Alloy 1.6.2

code: mytest



Not getting any error related to setHomeAsUpIcon. But Icon is not visible left side corner.

manumaticx commented 9 years ago

@ChanakyaSrinivas try adding actionBar.displayHomeAsUp = true; before the line where you set the icon

if (actionBar){
  actionBar.displayHomeAsUp = true;
ChanakyaSrinivas commented 9 years ago

As per your suggestion changed my code. It's working fine.

manumaticx commented 9 years ago

Great. Nice to hear.

So I think I can close this issue here since setHomeAsUpIcon works as expected and the behavior described in the original question is not reproducible.

Please feel free to reopen if you can provide test code to reproduce this issue.

ChanakyaSrinivas commented 8 years ago

Hi All,

Module is not working for Titanium SDK 5.3.1GA and Alloy 1.8.7

Environments: Npm Version = 2.11.3 Titanium CLI Version = 5.0.8 Titanium SDK Version = 5.3.1.GA Alloy Version = 1.8.7


[ERROR] : TiApplication: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity cannot be cast to android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity [ERROR] : TiApplication: at com.alcoapps.actionbarextras.ActionbarextrasModule.getActionBar(ActionbarextrasModule.java:117) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at com.alcoapps.actionbarextras.ActionbarextrasModule.handleSetHomeAsUpIcon(ActionbarextrasModule.java:523) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at com.alcoapps.actionbarextras.ActionbarextrasModule.handleMessage(ActionbarextrasModule.java:175) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5417) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726) [ERROR] : TiApplication: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616)

manumaticx commented 8 years ago

@ChanakyaSrinivas Try updating the Module