ricardoboss / Prolangle

A game about programming languages.
MIT License
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Add explanations of each value #10

Open ricardoboss opened 6 months ago

ricardoboss commented 6 months ago

I'd like the website to explain what each type system and paradigm means, so it serves as an educational resource as well as a game. It might also help when trying to play.

A separate page should be added (e.g. "Wiki"/"Documentation"/"FAQ") that goes through each value of the enums and explains it using a short paragraph. Maybe even naming some languages that fit that value and some languages that don't.

chucker commented 6 months ago

That component isn't great, though. For example, we can't add a hyperlink, because the tooltip disappears if we move. We need something more like a popover…

ricardoboss commented 6 months ago

Ideally, something like this would be mobile friendly too

chucker commented 6 months ago

Do we want to replace the attributes with something like Frontmatter(?) for more flexibility? Having the metadata in the enums themselves is nice-ish, but also really limits how we can do markup.

ricardoboss commented 6 months ago

Frontmatter would be nice. But I'd like to move that decision to later point in time, when there is more documentation to keep track of and maintain