ricardofbarros / linter-js-standard

Atom linter plugin for JavaScript, using JavaScript Standard Style
MIT License
99 stars 48 forks source link

Not working w/ zsh #1

Closed derekr closed 9 years ago

derekr commented 9 years ago

I think this is the issue, but it could be something else.

atom 1.8.9 linter 0.12.0 linter-js-standard 0.1.2 osx 10.10.2 system iojs 1.4.2

apm --version
apm  0.157.0
npm  2.5.1
node 0.10.35
python 2.7.6
git 1.9.5
apm ls
Built-in Atom packages (85)
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/Users/derekreynolds/.atom/packages (17)
├── Zen@0.11.3
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├── linter@0.12.0
├── linter-js-standard@0.1.2
├── monokai-syntax-for-one-dark@0.2.1
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├── seti-monokai@0.3.1
├── sort-lines@0.10.0
├── spacegray-dark-syntax@0.2.0
└── spacegray-dark-ui@0.8.0
ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Ah so your using iojs How do you call the executable? node index.js or iojs index.js ?

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Could you open the Atom Developer Tools and print here the output of the console when you try to save a .js file?

derekr commented 9 years ago

I still use node index.js.

which node

So there is no additional output on file save:

screen shot 2015-04-02 at 9 42 13 am

Note that line 4 has a semi colon – would expect the linter to highlight that.

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Hmm strange :/ no errors, could you type in the console process.env.PATH and check if you have the path /usr/local/bin?

derekr commented 9 years ago

A bit crufty haha, but yeah it's in there:

derekr commented 9 years ago

screen shot 2015-04-02 at 9 57 25 am

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Heheh that is one big PATH

So the problem doesn't lie on the init script since it's working like it should, I should add that piece of code on the README as well. But first let's try sort this out.

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Do you have the linter configured to lint on save? Could you force lint on that piece of code with ctrl + cmd + l ? And see if it lints

derekr commented 9 years ago

ctrl + cmd + l doesn't seem to do anything either.

screen shot 2015-04-02 at 10 10 35 am

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Found out what it was, I think. Currently at linter-js-standard@0.1.2 doesn't work with linter@<=0.12, I had linter@0.11, so my package was working with me.

I released the new version that is "compatible" with the latest version, the fix was simple but it was a headache to find it.

In case you're curious the commit to AtomLinter that broke linter-js-standard was this https://github.com/AtomLinter/Linter/commit/82a314ac5dc180c67cb3bb470b57f782de6b8cb1

The fix was this, line 34 -> https://github.com/ricardofbarros/linter-js-standard/commit/17bb78e60b083996244735d84a449595e8eef67d

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Give me some feedback after you updated the linter-js-standard, thank you! :smile:

derekr commented 9 years ago

Awwwwww yeahhhhh! Thanks a lot! Looks rad.

screen shot 2015-04-02 at 6 25 29 pm

ricardofbarros commented 9 years ago

Ehehe, thank you