ricardojmendez / UnitySteer

Steering, obstacle avoidance and path following behaviors for the Unity Game Engine
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steer around a point #40

Closed longvk1989 closed 8 years ago

longvk1989 commented 8 years ago

Can you show me how to steer an object around a certain point?

ricardojmendez commented 8 years ago

It depends on what sort of behavior you want. Do you want the agent approaching the point, then always remaining at a certain distance? Approaching the point, then describing a circle around it at a certain radius? And then, If it is 3D space, you have to choose between a lot more than just "steering left or right".

I'd recommend you start by checking out the UnitySteerExamples project and going through them, those using SteerForTether will likely help you get started.