ricardojmendez / UnitySteer

Steering, obstacle avoidance and path following behaviors for the Unity Game Engine
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I'm not clearly understand what the IsPostProcess variable means. #53

Closed zwxbest closed 7 years ago

zwxbest commented 7 years ago

What flaw will occur if calculate all steering force together? And what the IsPostProcess variable means? I will greatly thank you if you can give me a tip.

ricardojmendez commented 7 years ago

What flaw will occur if calculate all steering force together?

Could you clarify which comment or documentation bit are you referring to?

And what the IsPostProcess variable means?

A post-processing behavior is one that is applied after all other forces have been calculated, so it can act on their overall result. As an example, see SteerForSpeedFluctuation or SteerForTether.

zwxbest commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much, now I understand it. A post-processing behavior usally use Vehicle.DesiredVelocity in caluculation.

ricardojmendez commented 7 years ago

That is correct. That way it can apply any correction it want, or override it altogether because of its own criteria.
