ricardoquecria / caule-themes-pack-1

10 modern colors | 4 categories of styles (Black Glass, Black, Dark, Light) | 40 themes in total | Animated icons for the weather forecast card | And a bonus automatic theme selector for your interface.
MIT License
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[feature addition] Day/night automation with base colour and style input selectors (code supplied) #16

Closed MaxVRAM closed 2 years ago

MaxVRAM commented 2 years ago

First of all @orickcorreia thank you so much for the beautifully crafted theme palette. I've taken the liberty to alter the way themes are selected from the front end and integrated day/night (light/dark) automation and input selectors, and thought I'd share it here.

I hope this helps someone, and @orickcorreia , feel free to implement this within your repository if you like.


The theme.yaml stays the same, but replaces the suggested content for automations.yaml and input_select.yaml.

Front-end Input Selectors



# Base theme colour
  name: "Theme Colour"
  icon: mdi:palette
  initial: Coral
    - Rose
    - Purple
    - Blue
    - Aqua
    - Green
    - Yellow
    - Orange
    - Coral
    - Pink
    - Gray
# Theme style during the day
  name: "Theme Day"
  icon: mdi:weather-sunny
  initial: Light
    - "Light"
    - "Dark"
    - "Black"
    - "Black Glass"
# Theme style during the night
  name: "Theme Night"
  icon: mdi:weather-night
  initial: Dark
    - "Dark"
    - "Black"
    - "Black Glass"
    - "Light"


- alias: Theme Change
  id: 978e51847fce4332a9825bf71516a2fd
  initial_state: true
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - platform: state
        - sun.sun
        - input_select.theme_colour
        - input_select.theme_day
        - input_select.theme_night
    - service: frontend.set_theme
        name: >
          {% if states('sun.sun') == 'above_horizon' %}
            {% if states('input_select.theme_day') == 'Light' %}
              Caule Light {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }}
            {% elif states('input_select.theme_day') == 'Dark' %}
              Caule Dark {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }}
            {% elif states('input_select.theme_day') == 'Black' %}
              Caule Black {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }}
            {% else %}
              Caule Black {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }} Glass
            {% endif %}
          {% else %}
            {% if states('input_select.theme_night') == 'Light' %}
              Caule Light {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }}
            {% elif states('input_select.theme_night') == 'Dark' %}
              Caule Dark {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }}
            {% elif states('input_select.theme_night') == 'Black' %}
              Caule Black {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }}
            {% else %}
              Caule Black {{ states('input_select.theme_colour') }} Glass
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}

Lovelace card example

type: entities
show_header_toggle: false
title: Theme Settings
  - entity: input_select.theme_colour
  - entity: input_select.theme_day
  - entity: input_select.theme_night
ricardoquecria commented 2 years ago

I updated mine too! I choose the color and whether it will be light or dark. I did this before Home Assistant had the option to automatically change the theme color depending on the time. Usage node-red =)

I'm thinking of updating this way of selecting from the frontend