ricardoquecria / caule-themes-pack-1

10 modern colors | 4 categories of styles (Black Glass, Black, Dark, Light) | 40 themes in total | Animated icons for the weather forecast card | And a bonus automatic theme selector for your interface.
MIT License
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Support dark mode? #25

Open DirtYiCE opened 2 years ago

DirtYiCE commented 2 years ago

Since 2021.6, there is support for custom dark themes: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2021/06/02/release-20216/#support-for-custom-dark-mode-themes Could this theme pack gain support for this? There would be a few advantages:

A minimal implementation would be wrapping all dark themes into modes: and dark:, this would fix the first and last item from my list, but it would create an annoying dark/light switcher in the UI, and if you select light, it will of course break. A proper implementation would be to have dark/light pairs, but right now there are 3 dark variants and only one light, so the single light one would have to be added to every dark one (yaml anchors/aliases can help here to avoid copy-pasting everything).