ricardoquesada / bluepad32

Bluetooth gamepad, mouse and keyboard support for ESP32 and PicoW
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Filter gamepad connection #87

Closed miguel-jar closed 3 months ago

miguel-jar commented 3 months ago

Hello. I was wondering how I can filter a gamepad conection. I want bluepad32 to connect just in a specific gamepad . Let's suppose that I have many gamepads powerd on, I want bluepad32 to connect just in my gamepad. I'll use this control in an enviroment with many bluetooth devices (including other gamepads), so I wanna make sure bluepad32 will connet just in my gamepad. I was thinking about using the control's MAC address to do this filter, but I couldn't' find a way to do that. Any ideas?

I have a gamepad that is simillar to a PS3 controller, but is not a original one (I can read the control's MAC adress using sixaxispair, but I'm sure it isn't an original control). I don't have any problems connecting my gamepad to bluepad32, I just wanna do this filter.

PS: I've already tried using esp32-ps3 library (by jvpernis) to do this connect, but it' didn't work. I assuming that it's because my controller isn't an original PS3 controller.

ricardoquesada commented 3 months ago

try this: https://bluepad32.readthedocs.io/en/latest/FAQ/#how-to-pair-just-one-controller-to-one-particular-board

if that doesn't work, reopen bug detailing what failed

miguel-jar commented 3 months ago

try this: https://bluepad32.readthedocs.io/en/latest/FAQ/#how-to-pair-just-one-controller-to-one-particular-board

if that doesn't work, reopen bug detailing what failed

Okay, I'll try this tutorial and see what I get. Thank you so much for your response.