ricardoquesada / esp-idf-arduino-bluepad32-template

ESP-IDF template that has Arduino and Bluepad32 built-in
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Platformio, esp32, arduino framework instructions or add library to paltformio registry? #1

Open drmaus83 opened 4 months ago

drmaus83 commented 4 months ago

Wondering if you could add instructions for using this with platformio or add it to the registry using esp32 with arduino framework. I got it to work with arduino ide but recently switched to vscode and platformio as my skills have somewhat expanded to a point that i can us vscode and platformio but not enough to use ESPidf. Idk if this is the correct place to ask this but it did say "feature requests" can go here.Tia :) you can delete this issue if necessary

ricardoquesada commented 4 months ago

it should be possible.

Adding link to platform io documentation: https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/frameworks/espidf.html#framework-espidf

drmaus83 commented 4 months ago

Ok, would you concider adding your email to your git profile? I would've sent a dm but I don't got the socials you have. Also I read those docs but it seems especially focused in the espidf frame work but I'm using the arduino frame work on platform io with my esp32 since I don't really understand espidf yet not sure I will for awhile since I've never really dealt with this type of stuff.

ricardoquesada commented 4 months ago

fixed for esp-idf in develop branch.

not sure how to do it for non esp-idf... if you find any info, feel free to post it here