ricaun / DuinoCoinI2C

This project design to mine Duino-Coin using an Esp8266 as a master and Arduino as a slave.
MIT License
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enhancement #69

Open AbbosMG opened 2 years ago

AbbosMG commented 2 years ago

Hello! This is the request to add an RPI Pico board compatibility,

I have been trying to use the RPI Pico board as an i2C slave instead of Arduino boards. RPi Pico seems to be a reasonable alternative for mining slaves that can be added to your Github project.

Being an inexperienced user, I am not able to resolve the issue by myself. When I try to use the sketch (without any editing), it fails to compile with an error that describes the compatibility issue of the ArduinoUniqueID library with Raspberry Pi Pico board.

WARNING: library ArduinoUniqueID-master claims to run on avr, esp8266, esp32, sam, samd, stm32 architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on mbed architecture(s).
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Raspberry Pi Pico.

I'm completely unable to fix the issue: I have tried using different RPI Pico Board supports in the boards' manager.

Since the RPI Pico seems to be a different architecture, would you help me get it working?

Thank you in advance!!!!!!!

ricaun commented 2 years ago


I supposed the RPI Pico is the RP2040, on the https://github.com/revoxhere/duino-coin/blob/master/Arduino_Code/uniqueID.cpp has this feature.

Gonna update the ArduinoUniqueID library to support RP2040 based on the duino-coin.