riccardolops / Deep-MAT-Deformation

Deep MAT Deformation: From Volumetric Medical Imaging to Organ Surface Reconstruction
MIT License
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TorchSharp version? #1

Open GeorgeS2019 opened 4 months ago

GeorgeS2019 commented 4 months ago



Apply the Deep-MAT-Deformation using Torchsharp on Godot (TorchSharp works on Godot) and we currently have Deep Reinforcement Learning in .NET running on Godot

riccardolops commented 4 months ago

As of now, Deep-MAT-Deformation is a CNN that predicts deformations of a medial axis to describe the surface of an organ. It might be interesting to reimplement Deep-MAT-Deformation using Torchsharp, as it would allow me to visualize the deformations of the Medial Axis in Godot and possibly make a registration of it alongside the CT/Medical imaging of the patient. Unfortunately, it would take some time, and since this is my university thesis project, my current priorities are documenting this project and write the thesis.

GeorgeS2019 commented 4 months ago

Take your time.. hopefully U will eventually find time learning TorchSharp