riceissa / spaced-inbox

A minimal spaced writing inbox
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Configurable Intervals #2

Closed Gamer-Kold closed 2 years ago

Gamer-Kold commented 2 years ago

I've been using this script for a couple days now, as a way to replace my usually hectic daily notebook processing. I wanted a way to sort what was most important.

The thing is, I would wake up and there would be no reviews and my brain would immediately go into panic mode(as often happens when a ritual is obstructed). In the end I end up going through modifying my notes manually. Completely defeating the purpose of the script.

Though I realized that if I had a shorter default interval (as short as a day I think), the script would prove much more useful to me. So all of this is a long winded way of me saying: Instructions for modifying this default would be great, perhaps in a configuration file of some sort?

riceissa commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the feedback. I added a new variable called INITIAL_INTERVAL in script.py, so you can modify that to some small number like 1 or 2 to get the behavior you want (and then maybe later you can bump it up as you get more things to review, though bumping it up later won't affect notes that are already in the database).

Once you've used the script for a while (preferably >100 days, but if you stop using it before then, then whenever you stop using it), I'd love to talk to you about your experiences of using it. As far as I know, you are the only person other than me who has actually used it.

Gamer-Kold commented 2 years ago

Ah, thank you so much! I will do, if I end up using the script for any meaningful length of time, but as you yourself has said, it often takes a long time before you figure out whether something like this works or not.

riceissa commented 1 year ago

@Gamer-Kold Curious to hear if you've continued using the script (it's okay if the answer is "did not keep using it and don't have time to elaborate on why"; that still gives me a little bit of info).

Gamer-Kold commented 1 year ago

Ah yes; I had meant to get back to you but I guess I simply lost track of time. I stopped using the script a decently long time back. The friction of using a command line tool proved too difficult to set a habit in stone. To be more specific it was too difficult to add notes into the system. I do most of my thinking on my phone, but opening termux, navigating to the file, opening nvim, and then finally adding to the file was too large to do in the middle of a conversation.

Running the script (which I also mostly did on my phone) required I do that and navigate to the script and run it in a separate termux session.

These days I simply created a plugin to do it in tiddlywiki. Since my tiddlywiki was the place I did all of my thinking anyway, having a small easy to see text box right at the top of the page made it really easy to see when I had due notes and deal with them accordingly. (The plugin is a part of kodwiki, a personal tiddlywiki spin I've made but the version in the repo doesn't work correctly. I've fixed in my wiki but since no one but me cares about it, I've been lazy updating the repo).

I'm considering switching away from Tiddlywiki to a Neovim solution, in which case I'll go back to your script, or write my own neovim plugin.

Well that's my experience, I hope it was helpful to you.

riceissa commented 1 year ago

@Gamer-Kold Thank you! Definitely agreed that the user interface sucks (I hope one day to make it much nicer, but for now I am more interested in getting the ideas right).

I would love to hear more about your experience using kodwiki as a spaced writing inbox. Has it been helpful for revisiting old ideas and incrementally building on them? Do you ever feel burdened by reviews piling up? Do you feel like you've been able to think new, previously-unthinkable thoughts?

Gamer-Kold commented 1 year ago

I haven't been using it long enough to really consider "having revisited an old idea". At most the oldest note I edited was a week old.

I mostly used it as an automation of Fleeting Notes in the traditional Zettelkasten system. Where I would write down "Death as a character", in a note in the midst of a conversation. It doesn't take that much time to load up the wiki and add a new note to the inbox. This also just makes the system much easier to interact with.

Then a couple days later, I get to go over it again and elaborate on what I meant. After I've gone over it a couple times and I feel like it has become polished, I add it to the wiki. If I feel a note doesn't inspire interesting thoughts, I kick it out of the inbox. A good way to do this is really important I think.

I think partially thanks to that habit, I don't really feel burdened by reviews, only takes a couple minutes per day.

As with the Death example, I wrote down that Death is usually a villain or neutral character but not a hero. I think that thought wouldn't have occurred to me otherwise.

riceissa commented 1 year ago

Okay I see, thank you!