rich-iannone / DiagrammeR

Graph and network visualization using tabular data in R
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influenceR orphaned dependency #485

Closed mwhalen18 closed 1 year ago

mwhalen18 commented 1 year ago


I am developing a package which imports the grViz function and as such I have {DiagrammeR} as an import in my DESCRIPTION file. My R-CMD checks are currently failing for the macos and windows checks with the following warning:

Warning: Requires (indirectly) orphaned package: ‘influenceR’

The CRAN page for {influnceR} shows that the package has in fact been orphaned.

As the top level package, do you have any recommendations for dealing with this orphaned package or do you have plans to adjust the dependency accordingly?

khanna7 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am the maintainer of the package. My email address has changed and therefore it is listed as orphaned. I am working on updating the documentation and resubmitting the package. My apologies for the inconvenience.

khanna7 commented 1 year ago

@mwhalen18: the package is now updated on CRAN: Note the new link for the dev version on GitHub as well:

rich-iannone commented 1 year ago

Sorry @mwhalen18 I didn't see your message here on time and my time limit from BDR was running out so I had to remove influenceR-based functionality from the package. I'll probably add it back in though once the dust settles on this.

khanna7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @rich-iannone! I believe we are good to go on this. The package has been fixed and uploaded to CRAN. You should be able to add in the influenceR based functionality again if you like.